Define shipping tax codes

A shipping tax code is a name for a grouping of shipping taxes that is applied to the same products. For example, all taxes applicable to shipping to a certain region could be grouped under a single tax code called Regional shipping tax. Then, you could assign the Regional shipping tax code to each product being shipped to that region.

To define shipping tax codes:

  1. Open WebSphere Commerce Accelerator.

  2. From either the Store or Hub menu, select Change Tax.
    The Tax notebook opens.

  3. From the left navigation frame, click Shipping Tax.

  4. To add a code:

    1. In the New shipping tax code field, type the name of the shipping tax code.
      Be careful when choosing the name of your tax code. While you can remove a tax code, you cannot change the name of the tax code at a later time.

    2. Click Add. The tax category is displayed in the Defined shipping tax codes list.

  5. To set a default shipping tax code, from the Defined shipping tax codes list, select a tax code, then click Set as Default. Default shipping tax codes are assigned to all products that are not currently assigned to a tax code.

  6. To delete a code, in the Defined shipping tax codes list, select the code, then click Remove.

  7. Click OK to save your settings and exit.

After you have defined shipping tax codes, you are now ready to define tax categories. As outlined in Set up taxes, continue to step 4, Define tax categories.

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