Change store flows

To configure a store to support certain features:

  1. (Optional) Create copies of the JSP files of the store that you are about to configure. The JSP files are located in the following directory:

    Creating copies of your JSP files will allow you to undo any changes in a store that you may apply permanently in step 6.

  2. Open the WebSphere Commerce Accelerator.

  3. From the Store menu, select Change Flow.

  4. From the left navigation frame, select the feature you want to configure.

  5. If you want to enable the feature in the store, select the appropriate field (for example, a check box or radio button). If you want to disable the feature, clear the appropriate field.

  6. Repeat steps 4 and 5 for each remaining feature that you want to configure.

  7. Select Apply or Apply Permanently to apply your changes.

    • Select Apply allows you to view the changes in the current store, but your choices can be reversed later.

    • If you select Apply Permanently, you will not be able to reverse your choices.

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