Define jurisdictions

Jurisdictions are geographical regions or zones representing a country or region, province or territory, or ZIP code range, to which you sell goods.

If your store supports more than one language, then define the shipping jurisdictions in the other supported languages as well. Otherwise, the shipping method is not applied if the customer specifies the shipping address in a language other than the language for which you defined the shipping jurisdictions.

For more information about defining jurisdictions, and an example, see Define shipping data.

To define jurisdictions:

  1. Open the WebSphere Commerce Accelerator.

  2. From the Store menu, select Change Shipping.
    The Shipping overview page is displayed. If you do not see this menu, then your logon ID does not have the appropriate authority to perform this task. Contact your Site Administrator.

  3. Click Shipping Jurisdictions. The Jurisdictions page is displayed.

  4. To define a jurisdiction, click New. The New Jurisdiction page is displayed.

  5. In the Name field, type a name for the jurisdiction.

  6. You must define at least one of the following:

    • Country/Region

      • From the Country/Region list, select a country or region.

    • State/Province

      • If the shipping rate applies to the entire country or region, or if the country or region does not have states or provinces, leave this field blank.

      • If the shipping rate applies to a specific province or state, type the name of the state or province, for the chosen country or region, in the State/Province field.

    • City

      • In the City field, type the name of the city.

    • ZIP code range

      • Select the Zip code range check box to define a jurisdiction by ZIP codes. The Start and End fields is displayed.

      • In the Start field, type the first ZIP code in the range, for example, 00001.

      • In the End field, type the last ZIP code in the range, for example, 00300.

        The ZIP code ranges are alphanumeric. String comparisons (rather than numeric comparisons) will be used to determine if a ZIP code falls into a particular range. For example, the ZIP code L6G1C7 will fall into the L5A0A0-L9Z9Z9 range.

  7. Click OK to save your settings and return to the Jurisdictions page. A confirmation dialog is displayed. Click OK. The new jurisdiction is now displayed in the list.

  8. Repeat steps 4 through 7 to define another jurisdiction.

After defining the jurisdictions, you are ready to define shipping modes. As outlined in Set up shipping, continue to step 3, Define shipping modes.

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