Add a category
To add a category to your catalog:
- Open the WebSphere Commerce Accelerator.
Select Merchandise > Catalog Management.
Select Products > Catalog Management.
A category tree for the master catalog displays. If you do not see this menu, then your logon ID does not have the appropriate authority to perform this task. Contact your Site Administrator.
- Click New Category. Complete the fields on the page as follows:
- In the Category Code field, type the category code, such as "Summer".
- In the Name field, type the name of the category, such as "Summer fashions".
- (Optional) In the Description field, type a brief description of the category.
- (Optional) In the Long Description field, type a longer, more descriptive description of the category.
- (Optional) In the Keyword field, type keywords that apply to this category. Separate key works with commas.
- Select Display to customers check box to ensure that your category is available for viewing in the catalog.
Select the To be used in contracts check box to ensure that your category is available for contracts.
- Click Next. The Parent page displays. Choose the parent category by selecting one from the tree. If you do not want a parent category, select the catalog instead.
- Click Next. The Images page displays. All category image files should be placed in the store's defined image directory. Add the following information:
- In the Thumbnail image file and location field, type the thumbnail size image path and name for the category:
- In the Full size image file and location field, type the full size image path and name for the category:
- The correct image directory and whether you need an absolute or relative path depends on your store's configuration. Ask a store developer with Site Administrator authority for the correct image directory. For example, the WebSphere Commerce starter store images use a relative path to the default installation path.
- Click Finish to save the category.
If the changes to the catalog data do not display in the store, the Site Administrator may need to disable caching or remove the currently cached JSP pages.
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