CSV worksheets for catalog data
WebSphere Commerce provides nine sample worksheets for loading catalog data in CSV format.
The nine worksheets are merged into the sample file. The sample, catalog.csv, including an images.zip file, can be found in the following directory:
- WC_installdir/samples/catalogimport
- WCDE_installdir\samples\catalogimport
Contact your Site Administrator to access the sample worksheets.
The names and descriptions of the worksheets follow:
- attribute.csv
- attributeValue.csv
- category.csv
- categoryDescription.csv
- categoryProductRelation.csv
- categoryRelation.csv
- product.csv
- productDescription.csv
- price.csv
The attribute worksheet information maps to the ATTRIBUTE database table and contains the following fields:
- parentPartNumber
- The foreign key to the product's part number.
- languageId
- The language that this attribute pertains to. Available language components are:
-1 = US English -2 = French -3 = German -4 = Italian -5 = Spanish -6 = Brazilian Portuguese -7 = Simplified Chinese -8 = Traditional Chinese -9 = Korean -10 = Japanese
- attributeType
- The type of attribute: FLOAT, INTEGER, or STRING.
- attributeName
- The name of the attribute.
- description
- A description of the attribute.
- description2
- An additional description of the attribute, if necessary.
- sequence
- The display sequence of the attribute.
- field1
- A customizable string field.
The attributeValue worksheet information maps to the ATTRVALUE database table and contains the following fields
- itemPartNumber
- The foreign key to the item's part number.
- parentPartNumber
- The foreign key to the product's part number.
- languageId
- The language that this attribute value pertains to. Available language components are:
-1 = US English -2 = French -3 = German -4 = Italian -5 = Spanish -6 = Brazilian Portuguese -7 = Simplified Chinese -8 = Traditional Chinese -9 = Korean -10 = Japanese
- attributeType
- The type of attribute: FLOAT, INTEGER, or STRING.
- attributeName
- The name of the attribute.
- attributeValue
- The attribute value.
- sequence
- The display sequence of the attribute value.
- field1
- A customizable integer field.
- field2
- A customizable string field.
- field3
- A customizable string field.
3. category.csv
The category worksheet information maps to the CATGROUP database table and contains the following fields:
- categoryName
- The unique identifier of the category.
- markForDelete
- Use this field to mark a category for deletion: 0 = No (default). 1 = Yes.
- field1
- A customizable string field.
- field2
- A customizable string field.
The categoryDescription worksheet information maps to the CATGRPDESC database table and contains the following fields
- categoryName
- The unique identifier of the category.
- languageId
- The language that this category description pertains to. Available language components are:
-1 = US English -2 = French -3 = German -4 = Italian -5 = Spanish -6 = Brazilian Portuguese -7 = Simplified Chinese -8 = Traditional Chinese -9 = Korean -10 = Japanese
- displayName
- The displayed name of the category.
- shortDescription
- A short description of the category.
- longDescription
- A longer description of the category, if necessary.
- published
- Use this field to display the category in the language indicated by the languageId: 0 = no. 1 = Yes (default).
- thumbnail
- The relative or absolute path to the thumbnail image of the category.
- fullImage
- The relative or absolute path to the large image of the category.
5. categoryProductRelation.csv
The categoryProductRelation worksheet information maps to the CATGPENREL database table and contains the following fields:
- categoryName
- The parent name of the category.
- categoryMemberId
- The owner ID of the category (default is the store owner ID). If your merchant is not using a shared master catalog, then this field should be empty.
- partNumber
- The child product's part number.
- sequence
- The display sequence of the category.
The categoryRelation worksheet information maps to the CATGRPREL database table and contains the following fields:
- parent
- The name of the parent category. If this is a top category, the field is empty.
- parentMemberId
- The owner ID of the category (default is the store owner ID). If your merchant is not using a shared master catalog, then this field should be empty.
- child
- The child category name.
- sequence
- The display sequence of the products in the category.
7. product.csv
The product worksheet information maps to the CATENTRY and CATENTDESC database tables and contains the following fields:
- partNumber
- The unique identifier of the product.
- parentPartNumber
- The parent product, if this is an item (also known as SKU). If this is a product, the field is empty.
- type
- The type of catalog entry: ProductBean or ItemBean.
- inventory
- The initial amount of inventory for the item.
- markForDelete
- Use this field to mark a product for deletion: 0 = No (default). 1 = Yes.
- height
- A nominal height associated with the catalog entry.
- length
- A nominal length associated with the catalog entry.
- width
- A nominal width associated with the catalog entry.
- sizeMeasure
- The unit of measurement used for the height, length, and width fields.
- weight
- A nominal weight associated with the catalog entry.
- weightMeasure
- The unit of measurement used for the weight field.
- field1
- A customizable integer field.
- field2
- A customizable integer field.
- field3
- A customizable decimal field.
- field4
- A customizable string field.
- field5
- A customizable string field.
The productDescription worksheet information maps to the CATENTDESC database table and contains the following fields:
- partNumber
- The foreign key to the product's part number.
- languageId
- The language that this product description pertains to. Available language components are:
-1 = US English -2 = French -3 = German -4 = Italian -5 = Spanish -6 = Brazilian Portuguese -7 = Simplified Chinese -8 = Traditional Chinese -9 = Korean -10 = Japanese
- displayName
- The displayed name of the product.
- shortDescription
- A short description of the product.
- longDescription
- A longer description of the product, if necessary.
- published
- Use this field to display the product in the language indicated by the languageId: 0 = no. 1 = Yes (default).
- thumbnail
- The relative or absolute path to the thumbnail image of the product.
- fullimage
- The relative or absolute path to the large image of the product.
- type
- The type of catalog entry: ProductBean or ItemBean.
9. price.csv
The price worksheet information maps to the OFFER and OFFERPRICE database tables and contains the following fields:
- partNumber
- The foreign key to the product's part number.
- memberId
- The owner ID of the catalog entry (default is the store owner ID). If your merchant is not using a shared master catalog, then this field should be empty.
- price
- The price of the catalog entry.
- currency
- The currency of the price.
- precedence
- If more than one offer is effective at a particular time, the offer with the highest precedence value from this worksheet is used.
- startDate
- The date the price becomes available.
- endDate
- The date the price is withdrawn.
- field1
- A customizable string field.
- field2
- A customizable character field.
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