e-Marketing Spots
e-Marketing Spots reserve space on your store pages in which personalized marketing content displays. The e-Marketing Spots are used during page creation to reserve space for the dynamic content that will be shown to your customers. When a page is requested by a customer, any e-Marketing Spots present on the page will communicate with the rule server to process the rule-based code associated with the spot. Each e-Marketing Spot has one or more Web activities associated with it. e-Marketing Spots are supported by special data beans that are used in conjunction with JSP technology to generate Web page content using the WebSphere Commerce rule processing system.
e-Marketing Spots are created using the e-Marketing Spot wizard in the WebSphere Commerce Accelerator. Placement and creation of e-Marketing Spots must be determined collaboratively between the merchant responsible for the content, the page designer responsible for creating JavaServer Pages files, and the media designer assigned to create any graphics or text displayed in the spot. This ensures that the spots are implemented in a way that provides adequate space and retains the site design's aesthetics. e-Marketing Spots should be descriptively named so as to include their location, such as HomePageAd, or CheckOutPageRecommendation. This helps to reduce confusion about where it will appear, and what content it should contain. If necessary, numbers can be added to the name to differentiate between two e-Marketing Spots appearing on the same page. e-Marketing Spot names must be valid Java identifiers. The page designer is responsible for providing the appropriate e-Marketing Spots on the required pages and in the specified locations. The e-Marketing Spots are defined using a generic WebSphere Commerce bean; the EMarketingSpot bean. The name property of this bean must be specified for each required e-Marketing Spot. This ensures that each e-Marketing Spot is unique. This bean can be found in the WebSphere Commerce development environment. Selecting the activities that target an e-Marketing Spot, and scheduling multiple activities on the same e-Marketing Spot is done using the WebSphere Commerce Accelerator. If your store has enabled workspaces, e-Marketing Spots may be managed using workspaces and inherit the benefits from that feature. The example e-Marketing Spot supports four types of Web activities:
- Product recommendation
- Category recommendation
- Awareness advertisement
- Merchandising association
Using different properties of the bean allows you to customize your e-Marketing Spot and the corresponding Web activity.
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