Step 1: Creating a new RFQ request (buyer: buyer (buy-side))
To create a new RFQ request:
Note: Before you create an RFQ make sure that you are assigned to the following roles.
- Registered Customer role in B2B Organization.
- Buyer role in an organization, which must be under the Root Organization.
- Navigate to the advanced B2B starter store logon page at the URL you noted when you published the store.
https://your_hostname/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/store name/index.jsp
- your_hostname
- The name of your WebSphere Commerce Server.
- store_name
- The name of your published store.
- Type your advanced B2B starter store user ID and password and click Submit. The Main Category Display page displays.
- Browse the catalog from the advanced B2B starter store until the desired item is found.
- Click the link to add the displayed item to a new RFQ or any existing RFQ.
- Click the RFQ List link on the Main Category Display page. The RFQs page displays.
- Click New. The General section displays.
- Complete the notebook from the advanced B2B starter store pages as follows:
- Specify general request information:
- Type a name for the RFQ request in the RFQ name field.
- Type descriptive information about the RFQ in the text boxes provided.
- Specify whether the RFQ is to result in a contract or an order. Accept the Order default for this tutorial.
- Specify the period during which responses will be accepted. The start date and end date limit the period during which the buyer will accept responses.
- Specifying attachments:
- Click Add. Type the attachment text into the text box that displays.
- Click Upload to upload the attachment file.
- Specifying terms and conditions:
- Click Add. Type the term or condition text into the text box that displays.
- Indicate if a specification is required in the response.
- Indicate if you will accept a counteroffer from the seller by selecting the appropriate button in the Specification can be changed column.
- Click Add if you want to add this term or condition.
- Specifying products for your request. This product section lets you select and personalize the products you want to include in your request:
- Click Add products from catalog to find the desired item by browsing through the catalog.
- Click Add product from requisition list to add the items in the requisition list (note that previously have created a requisition list to complete this step).
- Click Add made-to-order product to add made to order items, if you do not find the items you want in the catalog.
The Products section displays with the selected item displayed, and do the following:
- Type the product's price, quantity, and units information.
- To add product specifications, click Specifications on the selected product. The RFQ product specifications page displays. Use this page to review the product's specifications and to add new specifications, if needed, to more accurately define the product you want. Specifications can also be changed or removed from this page.
- Click Add specification if you want to add an additional specification. The New Product Specification form displays. Use this page to select the specification and specify product details.
- Select a new specification from the Specification field.
- Select the operator and type in the appropriate Value and Units values.
- Select the check boxes, as desired, to indicate if the specification is required in the response and if the seller can change it.
- Click Add. The RFQ product specifications page displays with the new specification added to the list.
- Click Add specification to add additional specifications.
- Click Return to Modify RFQ to go back to the RFQ Modify page.
- Repeat these steps for each of the products you have added to add the product specifications and comments.
Comments are used to specify any special requirements you may have. For example, you can use it to specify the fact that all saws must have your company name in script.
You can also use it to request a quote for a product you cannot find in the catalog, but would like to bundle with an existing catalog product. For example, you may want to offer a set of especially hardened blades with the saw.
- To add comments, click Comments on the product you are working on to add a product comment to your request. The Comments page displays.
- Click Add comment to add a comment to the product description. The New Comment page displays.
- Select the type of information in the Type column.
- Type in the comment.
- Indicate if the specification is required in the Specification required column.
- Indicate if the specification can be changed in the Specification can be changed column.
- Click Add to add additional comments.
- Click Return to Modify RFQ to go back to the RFQ Modify page.
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