Create a distributor service agreement (Enterprise)

Before you create a distributor service agreement, ensure that the following steps are complete:

  1. Obtain a copy of the template distributor service agreement XML file to use on your local client. The service agreement XML template can be found in the following location on the machine where WebSphere Commerce is installed:
  2. Ensure you have the following information:
    • Full distinguished name of the distributor organization.
    • Full distinguished name of the service provider organization.
    • Full distinguished name of the profile store organization.
    • Unique name of the catalog profile store you want the distributor to use.
    • Unique name of the distributor profile store you want the distributor to use.
  3. Note that if you import a contract through XML, and want to have that contract appear in the WebSphere Commerce Accelerator, then have a contract description.

To create a distributor service agreement XML file:

  1. Copy the template distributor service agreement XML file to a new file name.
  2. Open the copy of the template distributor service agreement XML file in either a text editor or an XML editor.
  3. Replace all the instances of the following strings with values appropriate for the distributor as follows:
    1. Replace DISTRIBUTOR_ORG_DISTINGUISHED_NAME with the full distinguished name of the distributor organization. This can be found in the DN column of the ORGENTITY table. An example is ou=Distributor ABC Organization,ou=Distributor Proxy Organization,o=Manufacturer Organization,o=Root Organization
    2. Replace DISTRIBUTOR_DISPLAY_NAME with the name of the distributor. An example is Distributor ABC.
    3. Replace DISTRIBUTOR_DIRECTORY_NAME with the name of folder to keep distributor file assets. An example is Distributor ABC.
    4. Replace DISTRIBUTOR_STORE_DEFAULT_LOCALE with the store's default locale.
      An example is en_US.
    5. Replace DISTRIBUTOR_STORE_DEFAULT_CURRENCY with the store's default currency. An example is USD.
    6. Replace SERVICE_PROVIDER_LOCALE with the locale of the WebSphere Commerce Accelerator in which you are loading the contract. An example is en_US.
    7. Replace SERVICE_PROVIDER_ORG_DISTINGUISHED_NAME with the full distinguished name of the service provider organization. This can be found in the DN column of the ORGENTITY table.
      An example is ou=Service Provider Organization,o=Manufacturer Organization,o=Root Organization.
    8. Replace PROFILE_ORG_DISTINGUISHED_NAME with the full distinguished name of the profile stores organization. This can be found in the DN column of the ORGENTITY table. An example is ou=Profile Organization,o=Manufacturer Organization,o=Root Organization.
    9. Replace CATALOG_PROFILE_STORE with the unique name of the catalog profile store This can be found in the IDENTIFIER column of the STOREENT table. An example is Catalog Profile Store.
    10. Replace DISTRIBUTOR_PROFILE_STORE with the unique name of the distributor profile store This can be found in the IDENTIFIER column of the STOREENT table. An example is Distributor Profile Store.
    11. Replace DISTRIBUTOR_REMOTE_URL with remote URL of the distributor.
    12. Replace SERVICE_PROVIDER_SHARED_FULFILLMENT_CENTER_NAME with the name of shared fulfillment center of service provider. This can be found in the NAME column of the FFMCENTER table. An example is Shared Fulfillment Center.
    13. Update the BusinessPolicy element with the appropriate information for your distributor. The following is a sample Business Policy Element for Distributor ABC. Use this sample as a guide:
      <BusinessPolicy name="DISTRIBUTOR_DISPLAY_NAME DistributorConnector" type="ReferralInterface"       
               <Command class="" 
        properties="enabled=true&amp;authenticationRequired=true&amp;timeout=30" />
       <Command class="" 
        properties="enabled=true&amp;authenticationRequired=true&amp;timeout=20" />
       <Command class="" 
        properties="enabled=true&amp;authenticationRequired=true&amp;timeout=3600" />
       <Command class="" 
        properties="enabled=true" />
  4. Save the file.
  5. Import the distributor service agreement XML file into WebSphere Commerce.