Hosting support (Enterprise)

Support for the hosting business is provided in Websphere Commerce through the extended sites business model. You may publish the ExtendedSitesHub.sar store archive with your ExtendedSites.sar in order to see an example of a hosting site provided with WebSphere Commerce. Use this sample to get started on setting up a hosting site where you will be able to host sellers with a partitioned catalog (that is, independent catalog).

This sample illustrates the following features:

Extended sites hub provides all the pages and features necessary for a functioning B2B indirect Hosting online site. It is packaged with WebSphere Commerce as a store archive. All that is required to view the starter store is to publish the archive to the WebSphere Commerce Server using the publishing tool provided in the WebSphere Commerce Administration Console. It is based on a typical hosting flow. The starter store pages can be customized. All Commerce Hosting Hub starter store pages use JavaServer Pages and XML to load the necessary data.