Step 3: Creating files for the new locales
In this step of the tutorial you will create two different files for the new locales:
Create properties files for the new locales
Starter stores that are provided with WebSphere Commerce carry property files in the WC_installdir\WEB-INF\classes\<store directory> directory within the deployed instance
- Where store directory is the directory of the deployed store
- WC_eardir/Stores.war/Web Content/WEB-INF/classes/storedir
workspace_dir/Stores/Web Content/WEB-INF/classes/storedir
Each locale owns its own property files. New property files need to be created for each new locale created. For this example, any property files with the locale en_US embedded in the name of the file can be copied and then renamed with the en_CA string to replace the en_US value. Similarly, the locale fr_FR embedded in the name of the file can be copied and then renamed with the fr_CA string to replace the fr_FR value. These steps are necessary if you are using any starter stores provided by WebSphere Commerce.
Follow these steps to create new properties files:
- Open the directory mentioned above.
- Copy all files that have en_US embedded in the name, and rename each file to replace the en_US with en_CA.
- Copy all files that have fr_FR embedded in the name, and rename each file to replace the fr_FR with fr_CA.
(Optional) Create image files for the new locals
Starter stores that are provided with WebSphere Commerce carry image files in the storedir\locale\images directory within the deployed store directory:
- Where store directory is the directory of the deployed store
- Where locale is the new locale that you have create when you massloaded the bootstrap files (the example used in this document was 'en_CA' and 'fr_CA'
- WC_eardir/Stores.war/Web Content/storedir/locale/images
workspace_dir/Stores/Web Content/storedir/locale/images
Each locale owns its own image directory titled by the locale name itself. New image files need to be created for each new locale created. For this example, image files within the locale en_US directory can be copied and then renamed with the en_CA string to replace the en_US value. Similarly, image files within the locale fr_FR directory can be copied and then renamed with the fr_CA string to replace the fr_FR value.
Follow these steps to create image files for your new locales:
- Open the directory mentioned above.
- Copy all files that have en_US embedded in the name, and rename each file to replace the en_US with en_CA.
- Copy all files that have fr_FR embedded in the name, and rename each file to replace the fr_FR with fr_CA.
You have now created property and image files for your new locales so that they can be used in WebSphere Commerce.
In the next step, you will learn how to group your locals by country and separate them by store.
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