JSP code snippet: Store catalog display
This JSP code snippet displays all available catalogs (master catalog and sales catalogs) associated with a store. It uses the StoreDataBean to retrieve all the CatalogDataBeans that contain the catalog information.
The StoreCatalogDisplay.jsp file is available under the following directory:
- WC_installdir/samples/Snippets/web/Catalog\SalesCatalog
- Your store must have at least one master catalog and one sales catalog.
- The properties file used by this snippet is WCDE_installdir/samples/Snippets/properties/Catalog/CatalogJSPCodeSnippetText.properties.
- Copy this file (StoreCatalogDisplay.jsp) to the directory WCDE_installdir/workspace/Stores/Web Content/store/include.
You may want to copy the properties to the proper location for your store, for example, WCDE_installdir/workspace/Stores/Web Content/WEB_INF/classes/storedir or merge it with your own properties files.
- Add the following line to the jsp file to which you want to add this snippet:
<c:import url="${jspStoreDir}include/StoreCatalogDisplay.jsp" />Using ConsumerDirect as an example, you can add the above c:import statement into
WCDE_installdir/workspace/Stores/Web Content/ConsumerDirect/include/styles/style1/CachedSidebarDisplay.jsp if you are using style1.- In the code, uncomment the section marked by [Data Bean Activation].
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