LOC plug-in deployment descriptor
The LOC plug-in integrates with WebSphere Commerce Payments through the plug-in deployment descriptor. The following XML file is the deployment descriptor used by the LOC plug-in. The deployment descriptor describes the specific configuration requirements that must be resolved for the plug-in to work correctly.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <Plugin xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="../../com.ibm.commerce.base.doc/PaymentPlugin.xsd"> <PluginInformation jndi="ejb/com/ibm/commerce/payments/plugin/loc/beans/LOCPluginHome" home="com.ibm.commerce.payments.plugin.loc.beans.LOCPluginHome" name="LOCPlugin" version="1.0.0" vendor="IBM" independentCredit="true" virtualTerminal="none"> </PluginInformation> </Plugin>There are no additional properties associated with this plug-in. If you choose to modify the LOC plug-in to connect to an external system, determine whether any additional properties should be added to this XML file. As provided, the LOC plug-in does not require additional properties.
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