Step 7: Creating orders using the Sample Checkout

As the Merchant Administrator, you have global merchant authority, which means that you can do the following:

In a real business scenario, you may delegate payment processing tasks to other merchant-defined users who possess limited payment processing authorities (such as, Supervisor and Clerk). In this tutorial you as the Merchant Administrator will perform these tasks. Having completed all of WebSphere Commerce Payments and merchant administration tasks necessary to begin payment processing, you are now ready to start:

For this tutorial you will use the Sample Checkout tool to create three orders for payment processing. The Sample Checkout tool provides a user interface with which you can create sample orders to test your cassette implementation. To access Sample Checkout, first change the default user ID and password as described below.

To access the WebSphere Commerce Payments Sample Checkout and create orders:

  1. From the directory:
    open the configuration file SampleCheckout.xml.

  2. At the SampleCheckout element, change the following attribute values:
    default userid="wc_userid"

  3. Save the file. Point your browser to http://host_name:port/webapp/SampleCheckout, where host_name is the fully qualified host name of the machine running the Web Server for Payments. The host name may be a virtual host name on the Web server. port refers to the port number Payments is running on.

  4. At the Sample Checkout page enter the following information (note that the monospaced text must be entered in these fields for the tutorial):

    Sample Checkout fields
    Name Description
    Merchant number Type the OfflineCard Sample Checkout merchant number, 987654321.
    Order number Type any number to represent an order number.
    Amount Type any amount to represent the total numeric amount of the order.
    Currency Type US dollar. The currency used to place this order.
    Payment method Select OfflineCard as the payment type.
    Brand Select the brand of OfflineCard you want to use.
    Credit card number Type 4111111111111111.
    Expiration Date Select any future expiration month and year for your credit card.
    For an iSeries system specify the brand of the credit card that you are using.

  5. Click Buy.

Repeat these steps two more times so that you have three orders for which to process payments.