Post Payments application and database tier migrating steps
The following sections highlight the required steps after you have completed Payments instance and database tier migration.
After payments migration has completed successfully, sign out of the session. Sign on with the QSECOFR user profile and delete the temporary user profile, that was created for the Payments database tier migration, and change the owner for the objects to QPYMSVR:DLTUSRPRF USRPRF(paytemp) OWNOBJOPT(*CHGOWN QPYMSVR) PGPOPT(*NOCHG)
Verifying / Changing the WCSRealm properties
- Launch the WebSphere Commerce, v6 Configuration Manager.
- Expand WebSphere Commerce > node > Payments > Instance List > payments_instance > Instance Properties > WCSRealm.
- Verify/Change the Commerce Web server Hostname and WC Web server Port according to your WebSphere Commerce system.
- Click Apply only if changes have been made to the panel. When the action is complete, the following message is shown: The WCSRealm was successfully created.
Checking Payments setting for Commerce instance in Configuration Manager
If the final host name is not the host name of migrated payments, update in Configuration Manager by following instructions:
- Ensure the associated WebSphere Commerce application is started.
- Launch the WebSphere Commerce Configuration Manager.
- Under WebSphere Commerce expand hostname > Commerce > Instance List > commerce_instance > Instance Properties > Payments.
- Alter the Web server Hostname to reflect the final hostname for the migrated Payments instance.
- Click Apply to apply your final payment Web server host name to your Commerce instance.
After clicking Apply, you are prompted to exit the Configuration Manager. On exiting the Configuration Manager, the information in both the WebSphere Commerce instance.xml file and the wc-server.xml file will be changed. Ensure the section in the WebSphere Commerce instance.xml and wc-server.xml files that refer to this Payments server has been updated to the final host name and port. The following example shows what the file would contain if you choose to enable SSL
<PaymentManager ... Hostname="" WebServerPort="5433" ... />
Change the host name for your Payments instance
Before bringing up your migrated Payments instance for production in most migration scenarios, you might want to change the host name for your migrated Payment instance to a final one. The steps are as follows:
- Apply the host name for your migrated Payments instance by following instructions:
- Open the following file:
(AIX)(Solaris)WC60_installdir/instances/migrated_payments_instance/xml/migrated_payments_instance.xmlWC60_installdir\instances\migrated_payments_instance\xml\migrated_payments_instance.xmlIn this file, locate the "HostName" attribute of the "PMWebServer" element. For example: PMWebServer ... HostName="" ... /> Change the host name to the final host name.- Launch the WebSphere Commerce, v6 Configuration Manager.
- Under WebSphere Commerce expand hostname > Payments > Instance List > payments_instance > Instance Properties > Web server.
- Regardless if any changes were made to this panel or not, click Apply to apply your final host name to your Web server. This action may take several minutes to complete. Once completed, a new migrated_payments_instance.xml file is created. This apply action also ensures that the host name of your migrated Payments instance will be correct in the Site > Payments > Payment Settings page in the WebSphere Commerce Administration Console.
- For the change to take effect perform one of the following steps:
- If your migrated Payments instance is already started, then restart it.
- If your migrated Payments instance is stopped, then start it as described in Starting the Payments instance.
Checking the Payments server custom properties
Open the file under WC60_installdir/payments/instances/migrated_payments_instance and verify/change the wpm.DBjdbcURL and DBjdbcURL to use the final host name.
Check the Payments instance custom properties in WAS by the following steps:
- Log on to the WAS Administration Console of profile named migrated_payments_instance. The profile is created during the Payments application migration and named with the migrated Payments instance name.
- Go to Servers > Application Servers > server1 > Java and Process Management (under Server Infrastructure) > Process Definition > Java Virtual Machine (under Additional Properties) > Custom Properties (under Additional Properties)
Start the Payments instance
Before starting your Payments instance, ensure that the Web Server (for example, IBM HTTP Server for the Payments instance) is started. To start the migrated Payments instance, you may require the Payments instance password, and need to use either Configuration Manager or the IBMPayServer script.
To use Configuration Manager see, Start and stopping WebSphere Commerce Payments from Configuration Manager. To use the IBMPayServer script, see Start and stop WebSphere Commerce Payments from a command line.
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