Customizing the file
After copying the properties files, open the file in a text editor. Change the configuration items to match your store environment:
WCMPI_ACQUIRER_BIN=acquirer bin number WCMPI_MERCHANT_ID=merchant ID WCMPI_MERCHANT_PASSWORD= merchant password assigned WCMPI_DEVICE_CATEGORY=0 WCMPI_MPI_URL= https://localhost/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/SecureThreeDACSCmd WCMPI_UNENROLLED_CHECKOUT=YES MPI_VERIFYERROR_CHECKOUT=NOThe merchant password stored in this file should be encrypted text. You must use the WebSphere Commerce encryption tool wcs_encrypt.bat to encrypt the password. This bat file resides in the WC_installdir/bin and WCDE_installdir/bin directories. To encrypt the merchant password...
- From the WC_installdir/bin (or WCDE_installdir/bin) directory, issue the following command from a command prompt session:
wcs_encrypt text merchant_keytext is the character string (the merchant password) you want to encrypt.
merchant_key is the key to use to encrypt the password. This is the merchant key consists of 16 characters and is defined when the WebSphere Commerce instance was created. The merchant key seeds the encryption of the password. If you are unsure what the merchant key is, check with your WebSphere Commerce Site Administrator.
The following is an example of the output from the command:
IBM* Licensed Materials - Property of IBM 5697-A16 (C) Copyrights by IBM and by other(s) 1978, 1997. All Rights Reserved. * Trademark of International Business Machines Corp. ASCII encrypted string : J6QSb9behkHqoN3a/vO8eg== HEX encrypted string : 4A36515362396265686B48716F4E33612F764F3865673D3D- Copy the generated ASCII string as the value for WCMPI_MERCHANT_PASSWORD in the file.
By default, the value of the merchant password in this file is the encrypted form of the string '12345678'.
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