Customizing the file
The file is a common 3-D Secure configuration file used by all stores which are published on the same WebSphere Commerce server and enabled for 3-D Secure. You do not need to copy this file from one location to another because it is already in place for you to customize it. The file is located in the following directory:
- WC_eardir/Stores.war/WEB-INF/classes
Open the file in a text editor and change the configuration items to match the environment for your WebSphere Commerce instance. For example:
# Visa Directory Server URL and Path visa_directory_server_url1=https://full_host_name:port_number visa_directory_server_path1=/path_suffix_following_the_URL # Visa Directory Server KeyStore Path visa_directory_server_keystore_path=WAS_installdir/etc/DummyServerKeyFile.jks # Visa Directory Server TrustStore Path visa_directory_server_truststore_path=WAS_installdir/etc/DummyServerTrustFile.jks # Visa Directory Server KeyStore Password visa_directory_server_keystore_passphrase=E4fBucy+z7o= #protocal for ssl #timeout for connecting to Visa3D server (in unit of million second) timeout=10000The Visa Directory Server url1 and path1 is the URL and path to your Visa Directory Server. You should have obtained these values through the registration process from your payment service entity.
The Visa Directory Server KeyStore Path is the path for the DummyServerKeyFile.jks file. Be sure to specify the path using forward slashes (/) as shown, even if you are using a Windows platform.
For the WebSphere Commerce test environment:RAD_installdir\runtimes\base_v6\profiles\default\etc\DummyServerKeyFile.jks
The Visa Directory Server TrustStore Path is the path for the DummyServerTrustFile.jks file. This file should be in the same directory as the DummyServerKeyFile.jks file. Be sure to specify the path using forward slashes (/) as shown, even if you are using a Windows platform.
By default, WAS security and WebSphere Commerce Payments are configured to use the DummyServerKeyFile.jks and DummyServerTrustFile.jks with the default self signed certificate. Using the Dummy key and trust file certificate is not safe and you should generate your own certificate to replace the dummy ones immediately. Refer to the WAS Security Guide for more information on the Dummy key and trust file certificate and how to replace them. The WAS Security Guide can be accessed through the WAS InfoCenter.
The Visa Directory Server KeyStore Password value should be encrypted text. You must use the WebSphere Commerce encryption tool, wcs_encrypt.bat, as previously described to encrypt this KeyStore password and then copy the ASCII format of the encrypted string to this properties file. Issue the encryption command as follows:
wcs_encrypt text merchant_keytext is the character string representing the password you want to encrypt. By default, the value is WebAS, but this value may have been changed by the WAS administrator. Check with your administrator for the value.
merchant_key is the key to use to encrypt the password. This is the merchant key defined when the WebSphere Commerce instance was created.
By default, the value of the KeyStore password in the file is the encrypted form of the string 'WebAS'.
The protocol for SSL value can remain as shown in the example.
The timeout for connecting to the Visa3D server can be adjusted up or down as necessary. If you experience performance problems, consider reducing the timeout value; however, you should be aware of any timeout value imposed in your contract for Visa Directory server service.
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