Accessing the WebSphere Commerce 3-D Secure enabled store
To access the 3-D Secure enabled store...
- Ensure that the following services are started:
- The Web server
- The database management system (for example, IBM DB2)
- Ensure that the following servers are started using the WAS console:
- WebSphere Commerce Application server
- WebSphere Commerce Payments server
- Open a browser and type the URL of the login page created for the current store:
https://host_name:port/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/ StoreCatalogDisplay?storeId=store_number &catalogId=catalog_number&langId=-1As an alternative, you can launch your store from the WebSphere Commerce Administration Console. Follow these steps to launch the store from the Administration Console:
- Log in to the WebSphere Commerce Administration Console as Site Administrator.
- At the login to site or store prompt, select site.
- Click Store archives > publish status.
- Select the check box for the store, and click Details.
- Click Launch Store.
- Log in to the WebSphere Commerce (3-D Secure) enabled store.
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