Troubleshoot: Payments instance fails to start after migration
- The Payments instance fails to start after migration and you have manually deleted the data source and recreated it. You receive errors similar to the following ones:
In the Configurator log:
Create PaymentServerSSLClient using host and port 5433
Thu Jun 24 20:48:11 EDT 2004 [ info ] | | Issuing START command...
Thu Jun 24 20:48:16 EDT 2004 [ info ] | | ERROR: Commerce Payments mig_demo could not be started. Payment Servlet return codes are (50, 512)
In the SystemOut.log file:
CONM1006E: The data source class name "" could not be found for data source (mig_demo Commerce Payments DataSource).
Helpers W NMSV0605W: A Reference object looked up from the context "wcs56h/nodes/wcs56h/servers/mig_demo_Commerce_Payments_Server" with the name
"jdbc/mig_demo Commerce Payments DataSource" was sent to the JNDI Naming Manager and an exception resulted. Reference data follows:
Reference Factory Class Name: DataSourceFactory$ResourceReferenceObjectFactory
Reference Factory Class Location URLs: null
Reference Class Name:
Type: name
Content: mig_demo Commerce Payments DataSource
Ensure the data source name is the same as that in the file. Any characters that are entered incorrectly when recreating the data source (such as "COM" instead of "com") can lead to the database connection error. Related reference