Manage the Payments instance database on an i5/OS system

As new orders and payments are processed by WebSphere Commerce Payments, the Payments instance database collection will increase. If the storage space begins to fill up, the system operator may receive warning messages such as CPI099C - Critical storage lower limit reached. If that happens you should consider freeing up space in the WebSphere Commerce Payments instance database.

The WebSphere Commerce Payments instance database collection is created with journaling set to *YES. This means that the instance library will contain database journal receivers (entries that indicate when events such as changes to a database file occur). The journal QSQJRN is built in the WebSphere Commerce Payments instance library, and journal receivers named QSQJRNXXXX are created in the instance library. Old journal receivers in the instance library (named QSJRNXXXX with type *JRNRCV) may be deleted to free up space if the WebSphere Commerce Payments instance library is getting too large. The most recent journal receiver will still be attached to the database and should not be deleted. In addition, the database tables may be pruned by using the WebSphere Commerce Payments Pruneorders utility available from IBM service.

You can find more information about this topic in the i5/OS Information Center. Search for the information about cleaning up storage.

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