Configure the Program Adapter
The program adapter is configured using the WebSphere Commerce configuration file. The program adapter entry is used to define the adapter. Configure the program adapter by doing the following:
- Open the WebSphere Commerce configuration file.
- Ensure the entry for the program adapter looks similar to the following:
<HttpAdapter deviceFormatTypeId="-10000" enabled="true" deviceFormatType="XmlHttp" deviceFormatId="-10000" name="XML/HTTP" factoryClassname=""> <ProgramAdapter> <SessionContext class=""> <SessionContextConfig /> </SessionContext> <Configuration supportedMessageMappers="WCS.SOAPINTEGRATION, WCS.INTEGRATION" supportedMethods="POST, M-POST" supportedContentTypes="text/xml, text/xml; charset=UTF-8, text/xml-SOAP, text/xml; charset=utf-8" supportedCharacterEncoding="ISO8859-1, UTF-8, utf-8"/> </ProgramAdapter> </HttpAdapter>- Ensure that the information in the ProgramAdapter element defines the configuration of the program adapter, defining which message mappers it uses, the supported content-types, and other request attributes that distinguish the request as an XML over HTTP request. In the example in step 2, the message mapper WCS.SOAPINTEGRATION will be called first to identify an incoming message if the message mapper is enabled. If it cannot be matched with a predefined message mapping definition, the program adapter will call the message mapper WCS.INTEGRATION to try to identify the message again. Note: all attributes of the Configuration element are mandatory.
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