Response_WCS_CreateShipConfirm message

The Response_WCS_CreateShipConfirm message is an outbound message that contains information for creating a shipment confirmation for an order. WebSphere Commerce generates this message in response to the inbound Create_WCS_ShipmentConfirmation message. If the inbound message contains a valid ActualShipDate, it calls the ReleaseShipConfirm command, which redirects to the view task ReleaseShipConfirmRedirectView on successful completion. The Response_WCS_CreateShipConfirm response message is generated by CreateShipConfirmOK.jsp. The command updates the required database, changing the fulfillment status of the item to confirm shipment. It gets a new manifest_id from the
MANIFEST table through the key manager, and propagates the
MANIFEST table with input data. With Release_WCS_ShipmentNotify message enabled, if the command executes successfully and the UpdateManifestStatus is 1, the default ReleaseShipNotify.jsp generates a notification e-mail.

If the command encounters an error, it redirects to the view task ReleaseShipConfirmErrorView. This error view task is implemented by CreateShipConfirmError.jsp.

Note: If the inbound message does not contain a valid ActualShipDate, the GenericApplicationError viewname is used for error message composition. The response message is generated by GenericApplicationErrorXML.jsp.

The Response_WCS_CreateShipConfirm message uses the XML message format and follows Response_WCS_CreateShipConfirm_10.dtd.

The following table describes the format of the Response_WCS_CreateShipConfirm message. For a description of the database column, follow the link to its associated table. All fields are optional unless otherwise noted. The tag value length in the XML message for database fields of type INT, BIGINT and DOUBLE should be CHAR (10), CHAR(19), and CHAR(16) respectively.

Level Field Name Comment Table Name Column Name Note
1 ResponseStatus Mandatory N/A N/A Error comment if status="ERROR"
2 status Mandatory N/A N/A OK or ERROR (an attribute of ResponseStatus)
3 code
N/A N/A Error code (an attribute of ResponseStatus, existing only if status="ERROR")
4 ShipModeID

5 OrderNumber

6 OrderReleaseNum