Initialization services

These methods, from the SendMsgCmd command, set the initial parameters that identify which messaging profile is used for the current message. These parameters retrieve the information created and maintained in the Administration Console.

public void setMsgType(Integer msgType)

This method is deprecated. Use public void setMsgTypeName(String msgTypeName) instead.

public void setStoreID(Integer storeId)

This method is required. It is used to retrieve message profile information for the store. To retrieve site-level information, the site-level store id can be used. The messaging system attempts to retrieve a profile based on the store entered. If none exists, it attempts to retrieve a profile based on the default site identifier.

public void setPriority(Integer priority)

This method provides optional initialization information. The priority integer specified limits the profiles retrieved. Only those profiles whose priority range includes this integer will be retrieved for the current message.

public void setMsgType(String msgTypeName)

This method is required. It is used to set the Message Type for the current message, using the message type name.