
"Deprecated usage of direct JNDI lookup of resource" warnings occur when sending e-mail
The following warning message shows up in the SystemOut.log file when sending e-mail messages from WebSphere Commerce.

ConnectionFac W J2CA0294W: Deprecated usage of direct JNDI lookup of resource eis/JCAEmail. The following default values are used: [Resource-ref settings]

res-auth: 1 (APPLICATION)
res-isolation-level: 0 (TRANSACTION_NONE)
res-sharing-scope: false (UNSHAREABLE)
loginConfigurationName: null
loginConfigProperties: null
[Other attributes]

res-resolution-control: 999 (undefined)
res ref or CMP bean name: WC#Enablement-IntegrationData.jar#JMSMessage
Database pool properties: null
primeID: 0
isCMP1_x: false (not CMP1.x)
isJMS: false (not JMS)
Cause WebSphere Commerce uses a direct JNDI name (e.g. jdbc/DataSource). This naming method is deprecated in WAS V6. Resolving the problem It is possible to suppress the warning message "J2CA0294W" from the SystemOut.log, by setting the logging level:


A setting of "severe" for that class will suppress the logging of "warning" and lower levels. See the Log level settings section in the WAS Information Center for more information. However, this should be considered an interim solution until the application can be updated.

For instructions on how to set the logging level, see the Enabling tracing and logging section in the WAS Information Center.
Cross Reference information
Segment Product Component Platform Version Edition
Commerce WebSphere Commerce - Express Runtime AIX, i5/OS, Linux, Solaris, Windows 6.0 Express
Commerce WebSphere Commerce Professional Edition Runtime AIX, i5/OS, Linux, Solaris, Windows 6.0 Professional Edition
Commerce WebSphere Commerce Developer Enterprise Runtime AIX, i5/OS, Linux, Solaris, Windows 6.0 Enterprise
Commerce WebSphere Commerce Developer Professional Edition Runtime AIX, i5/OS, Linux, Solaris, Windows 6.0 Developer Professional Edition
Commerce WebSphere Commerce Developer Express Runtime AIX, i5/OS, Linux, Solaris, Windows 6.0 Developer Express

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