WebSphere Commerce v6 promotions master technote Technote
(FAQ)Where can I find all of the technotes, that I should refer to, when configuring and troubleshooting WebSphere Commerce promotions?
Change history:
Use the following links to navigate to the type of issues you are troubleshooting:
- General promotion issues
- Promotion evaluation
- Promotion policy
- Promotion management tool (WebSphere Commerce Accelerator)
- Promotion customization
Refer also to Recommended fixes and settings for WebSphere Commerce
General promotion issues:
Reference number
Instructions for enabling WebSphere Commerce promotions tracing
Promotion evaluation:
Reference number
Product-level promotion is not applied to a discounted price
NullPointerException thrown during promotions calculation
Promotion policy:
Reference number
Promotions policy for one group incorrectly applied to all groups
Promotion management tool (WebSphere Commerce Accelerator):
Reference number
NullPointerException thrown when viewing the summary of the "Free ground shipping" sample promotion Customer segment summary is not displayed on the promotion page Create a promotion fails for categories if the category name contains special characters Promotion defaults to free shipping when selecting a shipping discount of $0.00 Deleting a sales catalog does not delete the underlying categories
Promotion customization:
Reference number
Customizing the XML of a default promotion
Last Updated: 3 December 2007
- 3 December 2007: Document created
Document Information Current web document: http://www.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21290159