
Find and replace function does not work in Product Management tooling in Accelerator
You notice the built-in Find and Replace functionality does not handle special characters correctly when editing the values in the Product Management tooling.
Symptom A JavaScript error occurs when doing find and replace on special characters in WebSphere Commerce Accelerator. Cause CommerceAccelerator.war\javascript\tools\catalog\CatalogCommonFunctions.js does not correctly handle special characters. Diagnosing the problem To reproduce the issue,

  1. Open WebSphere Commerce Accelerator.

  2. Select Catalog Management and go to a Catalog entry page.

  3. The search and replace function can be used here (Edit -> Replace).

    As an example, the problem occurs when replacing {2} with any string. The character in the
    middle of the two braces is not the issue, it is the fact that there is { and } at the end of the term to be updated. This functionality would work if replacing only the '{' character, or only the '}' character.
    However this does not work with both special characters in the same term to be replaced, resulting in a generic JavaScript error.

Resolving the problem Contact WebSphere Commerce Support for APAR JR28672.

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