MustGather: WebSphere Commerce Catalog Management problems Technote
(troubleshooting)Problem(Abstract) You are experiencing catalog management problems with the WebSphere Commerce Catalog subsystem. Gathering this information before contacting IBM Support helps familiarize you with the troubleshooting process and saves you time.
The common catalog problems and solutions lists known issues and solutions. Before you gather the data, take a look at the following Common catalog problems and solutions to see if any match your issue.Resolving the problem
Gathering data ![]()
Common catalog problems and solutions
Gathering data
If you have already contacted IBM Support, continue on to the component-specific MustGather information. Otherwise, click: MustGather: Read first for all WebSphere Commerce products.
- Create a text file called `MustGather.txt' where you will collect the relevant information from the following steps.
- Collect the following Information about your environment and the problem:
- Does the problem occur in the Catalog authoring or the Catalog production environment?
- How does the catalog data get populated? (For instance: using massload, catalog import, the Commerce Accelerator tooling, using your own customized tool, and so on.)
- What are you trying to achieve?
- What are the steps to re-create this problem?
- Add screen captures to supplement the description of the flow.
- Does the problem involve any customized code or customized tool?
- Does this problem only occur when you log in as a specific WebSphere Commerce user or role?
- Enable the following tracing components; reproduce the problem, and collect the trace and log files.
- For problems related to search, enable the SEARCH tracing component.
- For other Catalog problems, enable the CATALOG and CATALOGTOOL tracing components.
- Assemble the files and compress into one file by using .zip or .tar format.
- Follow instructions to send diagnostic information to IBM Support.
Search the WebSphere Commerce Support site, for a listing of all technotes, downloads, and educational materials specific to Catalog Management.
Common catalog problems and solutions
- Pricing related log message found in the log file
You might find the following message in the log file when displaying a product in the store front:
[1/16/06 8:02:19:844 CST] 4a9fd687 CommerceSrvr E getBestListPrice CMN1011E: Unable to retrieve the price for catEntry 500550124, quantity: ?, unit of measure: ?, and currency: USD.
The cause of the problem is that you did not create a list price for this given catalog entry. Use either of the following methods to find out whether a list price is defined:
- Use WebSphere Commerce Accelerator to view the product details.
- Query the LISTPRICE database table to see whether you can find an entry defined for the given catalog entry.
To fix this problem, add a list price for the given catalog entry. To add a list price:- If you are using WebSphere Commerce Accelerator to manage your catalog, search “Adding a price to a product� in the WebSphere Commerce Information Center and follow the instruction to add a list price.
- If you are using the massload to load the catalog data, load an entry to the LISTPRICE table for the given catalog entry.
- An Item is added to a shopping cart even though its parent product is set as not buyable
The Item does not inherent the buyable flag from the parent product. If an Item is set as buyable, this Item can be purchased in the store front regardless whether its parent product is buyable. You will need to explicitly set the buyable flag of the Item to false if you want this Item to be non-buyable.
To fix this problem, use one of the following methods:
- If you are using WebSphere Commerce Accelerator to manage your catalog, launch the Change Product Notebook to clear the For Purchase field.
- If you are using the massload utility to load your catalog data, load an entry to the CATENTRY table to set the BUYABLE field to 0 for the given catalog entry.
- Null Pointer exception while using RelatedCategoryDataBean and RelatedCatalogEntryDataBean to retrieve relationships between categories and between products
The RelatedCategoryDataBean and RelatedCatalogEntryDataBean can be used to retrieve relationships between categories and between products. The relationship does not require the category and product to be in the same catalog. However, when you require catalog-specific data, you might get a null pointer exception.
A solution has been provided in the WebSphere Commerce Technotes. For more details, please search the Technotes topic “Customization using RelatedCategoryDataBean and RelatedCatalogEntryDataBean � .
- Define Attribute page does not load properly
In WebSphere Commerce Accelerator, when you go to the Defining Attribute tool, the SKUs table loads but is blank. You should check the ATTRIBUTE and ATTRVALUE tables to make sure that they are populated properly. In particular, make sure that the ATTRIBUTE and ATTRVALUE tables are populated properly for the parent product of the SKUS. The important point is that for all products, catentry_id = 0 is used in the ATTRVALUE table for defining attributes. This is usually the missing information.
- In Catalog Management page there is no top categories
In WebSphere Commerce Accelerator, when you go the Catalog Management page, there is no Top Categories in your Master Catalog. You should check the following two tables:
- CATTOGRP table to make sure that the top catalog group IDs are related to your catalog ID
- STORECGRP table to make sure that your store is allowed to see these catalog groups
- My store cannot see the categories or catalog entries of the catalog associated to it
Your catalog has the right relationships for the categories and catalog entries. However, make sure that the relationship between the catalog groups, catalog entries, and the store are specified properly in the STORECGRP and STORECENT. If you are using a B2B indirect model, it is sufficient to have the relationship specified with a store that is part of the store path.
- Some search results are missing or the results are not as expected based on the input criteria
After enabling the SEARCH trace in the WAS admin console, execute the search again, and look at the trace log for the line “Query = select�. Run the SQL statement you find at that line against the database directly. Next, look in the log for a line containing “RESULTS: Count =�. This line shows the results of the query from the databean. If the results are not what you expect when run against the database directly, then perform the following analysis:
- Inspect the data to determine if the data supports the SQL query.
- Inspect the query in the log to determine if it matches your expectation.
Cross Reference information
Segment Product Component Platform Version Edition Commerce WebSphere Commerce - Express General i5/OS, Linux, Windows 5.6, 5.6.1,,,,, 6.0,,,, Express Commerce WebSphere Commerce Developer Business Edition General Windows 5.6, 5.6.1,,,, Developer Business Edition Commerce WebSphere Commerce Developer Enterprise General Windows 6.0,,,, All Editions Commerce WebSphere Commerce Developer Express General Windows 5.6, 5.6.1,,,,, 6.0,,,, Developer Express Commerce WebSphere Commerce Developer Professional Edition General Windows 5.6, 5.6.1,,,, 6.0,,,,, Developer Professional Edition Commerce WebSphere Commerce Professional Edition General AIX, i5/OS, Linux, Solaris, Windows 5.6, 5.6.1,,,, 6.0,,,,, Professional Edition Commerce WebSphere Commerce Business Edition General AIX, i5/OS, Linux, Solaris, Windows 5.6, 5.6.1,,,, Business Edition
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