Stages of deploying customized assets
Stage 1: Package
The first stage is twofold: compiling and then packaging:
- Compiling involves taking source from your source code management system, and building or compiling it into the binaries that are required by the target server environment.
For example, you can take your .java files and compile them into .class files.
- Package involves taking the output of the build process and creating deployment packages for your target environment.
For J2EE assets, the format of your packaging will vary depending on the type of objects: a single file, a partial application, or an entire module.
Stage 2: Deployment
In this stage, the deployment packages are actually deployed to the target server environment. This process makes the assets created in the build process ready to be executed in the target environment. Each target environment will have a set of tools that are used to deploy of the packages.
Related concepts
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Additional deployment resources