Import external application code
When integrating WebSphere Commerce with other applications, you may need to import code from those other applications into the WebSphere Commerce development environment. For example, when integrating with another application, you may require that application's class files in the Rational Application Developer workspace in order for your code to compile or run properly within the development environment.
- Ensure the code is compressed into JAR files.
- Place the JAR files in WCDE_installdir/workspace/WC/lib.
- Use a text editor to modify the file WCDE_installdir/workspace/Stores/WebContent/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF and add the new JAR file into the classpath. The format must be: space filename.jar space carriage return.
Tip: Within WebSphere Commerce, the class loader searches dependent classpaths in a parent-first order. You can find more information about this topic in the Rational Software Development Platform Information Center. Search for the information about setting the class loader policy for an application on a server.
Related concepts
WebSphere Commerce development environmentRelated tasks
Work with Java classes