Package commands, data beans, or Java classes for deployment

If you are deploying a custom command, data bean, or Java classes, first package or export your classes as a JAR file.

  1. Open WebSphere Commerce Developer and switch to the Project Explorer view.

  2. Right-click the WebSphereCommerceServerExtensionsLogic project and select Export. If you group the projects by type as in the following screen capture, the WebSphereCommerceServerExtensionsLogic project is in the Other Projects group:

  3. In the Export wizard:

    1. Select JAR file and click Next.

    2. Ensure Export generated class files and resources is selected.

    3. Ensure Export Java source files and resources is not selected.

    4. In the Select the export destination field, enter the fully-qualified JAR file name, for example:

    5. Click Finish.

  4. Depending on whether you have other assets to deploy, you are either ready to deploy your assets or you have one more packaging step:

    • If you do not have other assets to deploy (that is, the only asset to deploy is the JAR file you have just created), then deploy it as a single file.

    • If there are other assets as part of this deployment:

      1. Package them as either a partial application or an entire module.

      2. Deploy as either a partial application or an entire module.

Related tasks

Package custom J2EE assets
Deploy custom J2EE assets