Enabling dual display of supported currencies
Complete the following steps to enable dual display of supported currencies:
- Use the following line in a mass loadable file:
<curcvlist storeent_id=" -1" currstr=" USD" countervaluecurr=" CAD" displayseq=" 1.0" />Where:
Variable Meaning storeent_id The store or store group ID. currstr The three-character ISO 4217 currency code that represents the currency. This code must appear in the SETCCURR column of the SETCURR table. countervaluecurr The three-character ISO 4217 currency code that represents the counter value currency. This code must appear in the SETCCURR column of the SETCURR table. displayseq The number that indicates the order in which the counter value currency should be displayed. You specify this displayseq in the DISPLAYSEQ column in the CURCVLIST table and counter value currencies are displayed in ascending order based on this sequence. - Load the data to the WebSphere Commerce database. See Loading the data to the WebSphere Commerce database.
Related concepts
Euro currency
Shopping currencyRelated tasks
Enabling euro currency support
Updating registry componentsRelated reference
Euro currency guidelines
Dual display guidelines