This URL is related to UserRegistrationAdd URL.
UserRegistrationAdd URL
Once an unregistered user (that is, a guest or generic user) requests registration with a store, the user becomes a registered customer to that store. If the parent organization of the user requires user registration, the user is not permitted to log on to the store until the registration is approved. If the parent organization does not require registration approval, the user automatically logs onto the store. By default, only the Default Organization does not require user registration approval. Information for new users is stored in the MEMBER, USERS, USERREG, MBRREL, MBRROLE, USERPROF, BUSPROF, USERDEMO, ADDRESS, and ADDRBOOK database tables.
Use this URL with SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) to ensure that the user's information is encrypted. To do so type the URL with the HTTPS secure protocol.
URL structure
- http:// host_name/path/
- The fully qualified name of your WebSphere Commerce Server and the configuration path.
Parameter values
- URL (Required)
- The URL to be called when the command completes successfully.
- logonId (Required)
- The registrant's logon ID.
- logonPassword (Required)
- The registrant's password. In database mode, the password is encrypted before it is saved in the database. In LDAP mode, the password is only stored on the LDAP server.
- logonPasswordVerify (Required)
- The registrant's password, entered a second time.
- parentMember
The parent organization of the new user. If parentMember is null, the parent will be Default Organization. If parentMember is not null, it is one of the following types of values:
- Encrypted orgEntityId (using "wcs_encrypt orgentityId") See Generate encrypted data (wcs_encrypt) for the command syntax.
- DN of orgEntity (for example "o=default organization,o=root organization")
- profileType
- Indicates the type of registration:
- C=business-to-consumer registration profile data, authentication data and also data for the USERPROF table (this is the default). If the profileType is null and the parentMember is the Default Organization, by default, the profileType is "C". A user of this type will be visible from the Accelerator, in the store where the user registers.
- B=business-to-business registration profile data, authentication data and also data for the BUSPROF table. If the profileType is null and the parentMember is not the Default Organization, by default, the profileType is "B". A user of this type will be visible from the Organization Administration Console.
- preferredCurrency
- The registrant's preferred currency for transactions; a foreign key that references the SETCCURR column of the SETCURR table.
- preferredLanguage
- The registrant's preferred language; a foreign key that references the LANGUAGE_ID column of the LANGUAGE table.
- userField1, userField2, userField3
- Customizable fields.
- challengeQuestion
- Challenge question for verbal confirmation of the registrant's identity.
- challengeAnswer
- Answer to the challenge question.
- description
- A description of the registrant.
- displayName
- Name used when displaying the name of the registrant in a summary list.
- userProfileField1, userProfileField2
- Customizable fields.
- photo
- URL or path to a photo of the registrant.
- preferredCommunication
- The preferred phone for the registrant (stored in the ADDRESS table), for example:
- P1=phone 1
- P2=phone 2
- preferredDelivery
- The registrant's preferred mode of delivery.
- preferredMeasure
- The registrant's preferred unit of measure.
- taxPayerId
- A string used to identify the user for taxation, especially useful with tax software.
- alternateId
- A special ID assigned by the registrant's business organization or organizational unit to this particular registrant.
- departmentNumber
- The department identifier for the registrant.
- employeeId
- The registrant's ID with his or her employer.
- employeeType
- The registrant's status as an employee (for example, regular, permanent, contractor, or part time).
- manager
- The name of the registrant's manager.
- secretary
- The name of the registrant's secretary.
- age
- The registrant's age.
- children
- The number of children the registrant has.
- companyName
- The company name of the organization that the registrant represents, obtained when filling in demographic information .
- demographicField1, demographicField2, demographicField3, demographicField4
- Customizable fields for demographic information; these are single-character fields.
- demographicField5
- Customizable field for demographic information; a field of 254 characters.
- demographicField6
- Customizable field for demographic information; an integer field.
- demographicField7
- Customizable field for demographic information; a field varchar, length 64.
- gender
- The registrant's gender.
- hobbies
- The registrant's hobbies.
- household
- The number of people in the registrant's household; the default is 1.
- income
- The registrant's annual income.
- incomeCurrency
- The currency in which the registrant's income is paid.
- maritalStatus
- The registrant's marital status.
- orderBefore
- Whether the registrant has previously placed an order. This value is supplied by the registrant.
- timeZone
- The time zone in which the registrant does business (report as GMT +/- hours) .
- address1, address2, address3
- The registrant's street address, to a maximum of three lines of information.
- addressField1, addressField2, addressField3
- Customizable fields.
- addressType
- The purpose of the address. Valid values are:
- S
- shipto
- B
- billto
- SB
- shipto and billto (The default value.)
- bestCallingTime
- D=An indicator that daytime is the best time to call the registrant.
- E=An indicator that evening is the best time to call the registrant.
- billingCode
- The registrant's organization's code to identify the shipping or billing addresses and cost center.
- billingCodeType
- Code designating the method of code structure used for the billing code. The default value is D, assigned by buyer. The value 02 indicates that it is assigned by Ariba.
- city
- The name of the city where the registrant resides.
- country
- The name of the country or region where the registrant resides.
- email1
- The registrant's primary e-mail or Web address.
- email2
- The registrant's secondary e-mail or Web address.
- receiveEmail
- Determines whether the registrant wants to receive e-mail activities for the current store (or all stores if no stores have been visited during the session):
- true=the user wants to receive e-mail activities
- false=the user does not want to receive e-mail activities (the default)
- fax1
- The registrant's primary facsimile number.
- fax2
- The registrant's secondary facsimile number.
- firstName
- The first name of the registrant.
- lastName
- (Required if the authentication mode is LDAP) The last name of the registrant. If the authentication mode is LDAP, this parameter is mandatory.
- middleName
- The middle name of the registrant.
- organizationName
- The name of the organization that the registrant represents.
- organizationUnitName
- The name of the unit within the organization that the registrant represents.
- packageSuppression
- 1=An indicator to include package inserts when the order is shipped
- 0=An indicator to not include package inserts when the order is shipped There is no default for this field. If the field is left unused, it remains null in the database.
- personTitle
- The title of the user whose address is being entered (for example, Dr., Rev., Mr. or Ms.).
- phone1
- The registrant's primary phone number.
- phone1Type
- The type of phone used for the registrant's primary phone number, for example TTY for hearing impaired, PCM for pulse-coded modulation, or CEL for mobile. This is a field of 3 characters.
- phone2
- The registrant's secondary phone number.
- phone2Type
- The type of phone used for the registrant's secondary phone number, for example TTY for hearing impaired, PCM for pulse-coded modulation, or CEL for mobile. This is a field of 3 characters.
- publishPhone1
- 1=An indicator that the registrant's primary phone number is listed
- 0=An indicator that the registrant's primary phone number is unlisted There is no default for these publishPhone fields. If the field is left unused, it remains null in the database.
- publishPhone2
- 1=An indicator that the registrant's secondary phone number is listed
- 0=An indicator that the registrant's secondary phone number is unlisted
- shippingGeoCode
- A shipping code based on geographical region, especially useful with tax software.
- state
- The name of the state, province, or equivalent where the registrant resides.
- taxGeoCode
- A tax code based on geographical region, especially useful with tax software.
- zipCode
- The ZIP or postal code of the registrant's address.
- Custom member attributes
- You can manage custom member attributes (MBRATTRVAL table) for this user using the following syntax: &attributeName_storeId_action_number=value
- attributeName
- The name of the custom attribute that has already been defined in the NAME column of the MBRATTR table.
- storeId
- The store ID of the store for which the attributeName applies. Specify "null" if the attribute is not store specific
- action
- Specifies the action to perform with the value:
- a
- add value
- r
- replace value
- d
- delete value
- number
- In the case of multi-valued attributeNames, specify this parameter to assign multiple entries with the same attributeName, storeId, or action.
- value
- The value that you want to assign to the attribute.
The following are examples of syntax for customer attributes or parameters:
- Updates the database with the value of red for a defined customer attribute for the user's favorite color within store 10001: &favoritecolor_10001_r_1=red
- Updates two attributes: In store 10001, the user's favorite color is red, and in store 10002, the user's favorite color is blue: &favoritecolor_10001_r_1=red&favoritecolor_10002_r_1=blue
- Deletes an attribute from store 10001: &favoritecolor_10001_d_1=red
Example 1
The following example registers a B2C user
https://myhostname/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/UserRegistrationAdd? logonId=user1&logonPassword=pass&logonPasswordVerify=pass&URL=MallFrontView
Example 2
The following example registers a B2B user under the Default Organization by specifying the DN as the value for the parentMember parameter.
https://myhostname/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/UserRegistrationAdd? logonId=b2buser1&logonPassword=pass&logonPasswordVerify=pass&profileType=B &parentMember=o=Default Organization,o=Root Organization&URL=MallFrontView
Example 3
The following example registers a B2B user under the Default Organization by specifying the encrypted orgEntityId as the value of the parentMember parameter.
https://myhostname/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/UserRegistrationAdd?logonId=b2buser1 &logonPassword=pass&logonPasswordVerify=pass&profileType=B &parentMember=fpqG/Uw9Pdw=&URL=MallFrontView
- Calls an empty task command called PreUserRegistrationAddCmd. The responseProperties contains the new userId and addressId parameters. Store Developers can override the command to perform additional operations.
- Updates the record of the current guest customer in the USERS table and changes the registration type from 'G' (guest) to 'R' (registered) and populates the DN.
Creates a new record in the USERREG table. If the authentication mode is LDAP, the logonId field in the USERREG table stores the DN of the user. The logon password is only stored on the LDAP server, not in the USERREG table. The user's position in the membership hierarchy is stored in MBRREL table.
- If one or more fields related to the USERPROF, BUSPROF or USERDEMO tables are specified, a new record will be created in these tables; otherwise, no record will be created.
A self address (also called a registration address, with the selfAddress field set to '1' and the nickname the same as the logonId) is created. Each user can only have one self address. To find the selfAddress, use the AddressAccessBean.findSelfAddressByMember(Long memberID).
- If the logonPassword has been changed, calls the AuthenticationPolicyCmd task command to verify or update a user's credentials.
- Calls the ProcessParentMemberCmd task command to validate the parentMember. If the parentMember is null, the default parent is the Default Organization (that is, the orgEntityId = -2000). If the parentMember is not null, it can take two different types of values:
- Encrypted orgEntityId (that is, using "wcs_encrypt -e orgentityId")
- DN of the organization or organizational unit (such as "o=Default Organization or o=Root Organization").
- Calls the ProcessProfileTypeCmd task command to determine and validate the profileType. If the profileType is not specified, and the parentMember is not specified or if it is the Default Organization, by default, the profileType is set to 'C' and a B2C user will be created. If the profileType is not specified and the parentMember is not the Default Organization, by default, the profiletype is set to 'B' and a B2B user will be created.
- Calls the AuthenticationPolicyCmd task command to verify or update a user's credentials.
- If preferredCurrency is not specified, the default is the preferred currency in command context.
- If a new address needs to be created but the addressType is not specified, the default is 'SB' (shipping and billing address).
- Checks the required registration information parameters.
- Calls the AuditUserRegistrationCmd task command to check additional parameters. Store Developers need to add new code to the AuditUserRegistrationCmd task command if they want to customize the check.
- Calls the SetCurrencyPrefCmd task command to set preferred currency to command context.
- Calls the UserRegistrationRoleAssignCmd task command to assign roles during self-registration. This command requires customization needs to be overriden by a Store Developer to enable role assignment during self-registration.
- If the authentication mode is 'LDAP', a user entry will be created on the LDAP server.
- Calls an empty task command called PostUserRegistrationAddCmd. Store Developers can overwrite it to perform additional operations.
- If the command fails, the UserRegistrationErrorView view command is called. Upon successful completion, the specified URL is called.
- Reads the MemberRegistrationAttributes.xml file. Specifically, it reads the <UserRoles> element and applies the roles that have a qualifier of registrationQualifier="UserRegistration".
- Applies the roles that have the qualifier 'UserRegistration'. The MemberRegistrationAttributes.xml file lists the default roles that the customer will play (for example, a registered customer in the store to which they are registering). The Site Administrator can configure this file to assign roles based on the organization to which the user registers and the store from which they are registering. Additional roles can be applied using the Organization Administration Console.
Note: WebSphere Commerce does not support the concurrent login of two or more users that log in using the same user ID. For example, consider the scenario where two users at a company regularly share an account at a store. Suppose the first user is on the store's payment page, and just before submitting his or her order, the second user logs in. The following is what will take place:
- Browser one ... User 1 logs in as user "xyz"; adds an item to the shopping cart.
- Browser two ... User 2 logs in as user "xyz" as well, and goes to the shopping cart page and then proceeds to checkout.
- Browser one ... User 1 clicks on checkout, but is informed that he or she has been logged off.
- Browser two ... User 2 completes the checkout, as normal.
Another scenario is when businesses use a common user ID for their employees to shop at a B2B store. Either only one user should use the common user ID at a given time, or each user should be setup with their own user ID, or else one of the users will likely not complete their transactions.
Exception conditions
Condition Messsage Key Error Code Value Class where exception handling is done Missing URL _ERR_CMD_MISSING_PARAM - Length of URL value is 0 _ERR_CMD_INVALID_PARAM - Missing logonId _ERR_CMD_MISSING_PARAM ECMemberConstants.EC_UREG_ERR_MISSING_LOGONID (2010) Length of logonId value is 0 OR If WebSphere Commerce is configured to use LDAP, and the logonId value contains "=" or "," _ERR_CMD_INVALID_PARAM ECMemberConstants.EC_UREG_ERR_BAD_LOGONID (2020) logonId value already exists _ERR_LOGONID_ALREDY_EXIST ECMemberConstants.EC_UREG_ERR_LOGONID_EXISTS (2030) Missing logonPassword _ERR_CMD_MISSING_PARAM ECMemberConstants.EC_UREG_ERR_MISSING_LOGONPASSWORD (2040) Length of logonPassword value is 0 _ERR_CMD_INVALID_PARAM ECMemberConstants.EC_UREG_ERR_BAD_LOGONPASSWORD (2050) Length of logonPassword value is greater than 70 _ERR_CMD_INVALID_PARAM - Missing logonPasswordVerify when logonPassword is specified _ERR_CMD_MISSING_PARAM ECMemberConstants.EC_UREG_ERR_MISSING_LOGONPASSWORDVERIFY (2060) Length of logonPasswordVerify is 0 when logonPassword is specified _ERR_CMD_INVALID_PARAM ECMemberConstants.EC_UREG_ERR_BAD_LOGONPASSWORDVERIFY (2070) logonPassword and logonPasswordVerify are not the same _ERR_PASSWORDS_NOT_SAME ECMemberConstants.EC_UREG_ERR_PASSWORDS_NOT_SAME (2080) Length of logonPassword is less than minimum specified by password policy _ERR_AUTHENTICATION_MINIMUMLENGTH_PASSWORD ECSecurityConstants.ERR_MINIMUMLENGTH_PASSWORD (2200) logonPassword is being changed to a previously used password that is not allowed according to the password policy _ERR_AUTHENTICATION_REUSEOLD_PASSWORD ECSecurityConstants.ERR_REUSEOLD_PASSWORD (2260) logonPassword is the same as logonId, which is not allowed based on the password policy _ERR_AUTHENTICATION_USERIDMATCH_PASSWORD ECSecurityConstants.ERR_USERIDMATCH_PASSWORD (2250) logonPassword has too many occurences of a consecutive character, as specified by the password policy _ERR_AUTHENTICATION_MAXCONSECUTIVECHAR_PASSWORD ECSecurityConstants.ERR_MAXCONSECUTIVECHAR_PASSWORD (2210) logonPassword has too many occurrences of the same character, as specified by the password policy _ERR_AUTHENTICATION_MAXINTANCECHAR_PASSWORD ECSecurityConstants.ERR_MAXINTANCECHAR_PASSWORD (2220) logonPassword has too few alphabetic characters, as specified by the
password policy_ERR_AUTHENTICATION_MINIMUMLETTERS_PASSWORD ECSecurityConstants.ERR_MINIMUMLETTERS_PASSWORD (2230) logonPassword has too few digits, as specified by the password policy _ERR_AUTHENTICATION_MINIMUMDIGITS_PASSWORD ECSecurityConstants.ERR_MINIMUMDIGITS_PASSWORD (2240) Parent organization is not of type "O" or "OU" _ERR_CMD_INVALID_PARAM - Parent organization is rejected _ERR_CMD_INVALID_PARAM ECMemberConstants.EC_ORG_ERR_PARENT_REJECTED (7160) parentMember is neither a DN nor an encrypted organization ID value _ERR_CMD_INVALID_PARAM - profileType is specified but not equal to 'B' nor 'C' _ERR_CMD_INVALID_PARAM ECMemberConstants.EC_USER_ERR_BAD_PROFILETYPE (1010) The user's parent organization or one of its ancestor organizations is locked. _ERR_PARENT_ORGANIZATION_LOCKED ECMemberConstants.EC_ORG_PARENT_LOCKED (7150) policyAccountId is specified but not a number or is invalid _ERR_CMD_INVALID_PARAM - userStatus is specified but unequal to 1 or 0 _ERR_CMD_INVALID_PARAM ECMemberConstants.EC_UREG_ERR_BAD_USERSTATUS (2090) passwordExpired is specified but unequal to 1 or 0 _ERR_CMD_INVALID_PARAM ECMemberConstants.EC_UREG_ERR_BAD_PASSWORDEXPIRED (2100) passwordRetries is specified but is not a number _ERR_CMD_INVALID_PARAM - preferredCurrency is specified but is not a foreign key to the SETCCURR table _ERR_CMD_INVALID_PARAM ECMemberConstants.EC_USER_ERR_INVALID_PREFERREDCURRENCY (1020) preferredLanguage is specified but is not a foreign key to the LANGUAGE table _ERR_CMD_INVALID_PARAM ECMemberConstants.EC_USER_ERR_INVALID_PREFERREDLANGUAGE (1030) publishPhone1 is specified but is not an integer _ERR_CMD_INVALID_PARAM ECMemberConstants.EC_ADDR_ERR_BAD_PUBLISHPHONE1 (5170) publishPhone2 is specified but is not an integer _ERR_CMD_INVALID_PARAM ECMemberConstants.EC_ADDR_ERR_BAD_PUBLISHPHONE2 (5180) packageSuppression is specified but is not an integer _ERR_CMD_INVALID_PARAM ECMemberConstants.EC_ADDR_ERR_BAD_PACKAGESUPPRESSION (5190) income is specified but is not an integer _ERR_CMD_INVALID_PARAM ECMemberConstants.EC_DEMO_ERR_BAD_INCOME (6020) age is specified but is not an integer _ERR_CMD_INVALID_PARAM ECMemberConstants.EC_DEMO_ERR_BAD_AGE (6010) children is specified but is not an integer _ERR_CMD_INVALID_PARAM ECMemberConstants.EC_DEMO_ERR_BAD_CHILDREN (6030) household is specified but is not an integer _ERR_CMD_INVALID_PARAM ECMemberConstants.EC_DEMO_ERR_BAD_HOUSEHOLD (6040) demographicField6 is specified but is not an integer _ERR_CMD_INVALID_PARAM ECMemberConstants.EC_DEMO_ERR_BAD_FIELD6 (6050) receiveEmail is specified but does not equal "true" or "false" _ERR_CMD_INVALID_PARAM - The specified or derived distinguished name already exists _ERR_RDN_ALREADY_EXIST - Missing lastName when WebSphere Commerce is configured to use LDAP _ERR_CMD_MISSING_PARAM ECMemberConstants.EC_UP_LOGONID ("logonId") lastName is specified but with length of 0, and is required by AuditUserRegistrationCmd _ERR_CMD_INVALID_PARAM ECMemberConstants.EC_ADDR_ERR_BAD_LASTNAME (5060) firstName is specified but with length of 0, and is required by AuditUserRegistrationCmd _ERR_CMD_INVALID_PARAM ECMemberConstants.EC_ADDR_ERR_BAD_FIRSTNAME (5066) address1 is specified but with length of 0, and is required by AuditUserRegistrationCmd _ERR_CMD_INVALID_PARAM ECMemberConstants.EC_ADDR_ERR_BAD_ADDRESS1 (5080) city is specified but with length of 0, and is required by AuditUserRegistrationCmd _ERR_CMD_INVALID_PARAM ECMemberConstants.EC_ADDR_ERR_BAD_CITY (5100) state is specified but with length of 0, and is required by AuditUserRegistrationCmd _ERR_CMD_INVALID_PARAM ECMemberConstants.EC_ADDR_ERR_BAD_STATE (5120) zipCode is specified but with length of 0, and is required by AuditUserRegistrationCmd _ERR_CMD_INVALID_PARAM ECMemberConstants.EC_ADDR_ERR_BAD_ZIPCODE (5140) country is specified but with length of 0, and is required by AuditUserRegistrationCmd _ERR_CMD_INVALID_PARAM ECMemberConstants.EC_ADDR_ERR_BAD_COUNTRY (5160) email1 is specified but with length of 0, and is required by AuditUserRegistrationCmd _ERR_CMD_INVALID_PARAM ECMemberConstants.EC_ADDR_ERR_BAD_EMAIL1 (5210) email2 is specified but with length of 0, and is required by AuditUserRegistrationCmd _ERR_CMD_INVALID_PARAM ECMemberConstants.EC_ADDR_ERR_BAD_EMAIL2 (5230) phone1 is specified but with length of 0, and is required by AuditUserRegistrationCmd _ERR_CMD_INVALID_PARAM ECMemberConstants.EC_ADDR_ERR_BAD_PHONE1 (5250) phone2 is specified but with length of 0, and is required by AuditUserRegistrationCmd _ERR_CMD_INVALID_PARAM ECMemberConstants.EC_ADDR_ERR_BAD_PHONE2 (5270) fax1 is specified but with length of 0, and is required by AuditUserRegistrationCmd _ERR_CMD_INVALID_PARAM ECMemberConstants.EC_ADDR_ERR_BAD_FAX1 (5290) fax2 is specified but with length of 0, and is required by AuditUserRegistrationCmd _ERR_CMD_INVALID_PARAM ECMemberConstants.EC_ADDR_ERR_BAD_FAX1 (5310) employeeId is specified but with length of 0, and is required by AuditUserRegistrationCmd _ERR_CMD_INVALID_PARAM ECMemberConstants.EC_BPROF_ERR_BAD_EMPLOYEEID (4060) Related concepts
Member subsystemRelated tasks
Define custom attributes for member URLsRelated reference
UserRegistrationUpdate URL
Member subsystem URLs
Sample: Member subsystem properties files
Authentication data model