Troubleshoot: Store development

While developing your store, you might experience the following error conditions.


The File not found exception


Due to an operating system limitation, a File not found exception may be thrown during the initial translation of a JSP page when the length of the absolute path of a file that the page references (for example, a JSP page fragment) exceeds 256 characters. As a result, store developers are advised to keep the names of newly created files and directories short and to limit the level of directory nesting.


XHTML validation errors

All JSP pages used in the consumer direct starter store and the B2B direct starter stores conform to the XHTML 1.0 Transitional document type. When examined with HTML validators such as the Rational Application Developer HTML validator, however, several pages result in the following XHTML validation errors:

No start tag (<tr>)

To display multiple items in tables, starter stores make use of custom display logic that determines when to start a new row, when to alternate the color, and so on. Although the result is a fully XHTML-compliant page, the dynamic code appears to have badly formed rows to validators.

Unknown tag (xx: yyyy)

Unlike top-level JSP pages (.jsp files), JSP segments (.jspf files) typically do not contain tag library directives. As a result, validators fail to recognize custom JSP tags, such as <c:choose>, <fmt:message>, and <flow:fileRef>, when they are used in JSP segments.

You may safely ignore these validation errors.

Related tasks

Add a page to the store

Related reference

WebSphere Commerce JSP programming best practices