CategoryDisplay URL
This URL displays a category within a catalog.
URL structure
- http:// host_name/path/
- The fully qualified name of your WebSphere Commerce Server and the configuration path.
Parameter values
- langId
- Sets or resets the preferred language for the duration of the session. The supported languages for a store are found in the STORELANG table.
- storeId
- The store's reference number associated with the category being displayed.
- catalogId
- (Required) The reference number of the catalog in which the category exists. You must specify either catalogId or catalogIdentifier.
- catalogIdentifier
- (Required) The external identifier for the catalog. You must specify either catalogIdentifier or catalogId.
- catalogMemberId
- The reference number of the member who owns the catalog.
- categoryId
- The unique reference number of the category to be displayed.
- identifier
- The external identifier for the category.
- memberId
- The reference number of the member who owns the category. The memberId along with the identifier uniquely identify the category. If a memberId is omitted, then the owner of the current store along with the identifier are used to uniquely identify the category.
Example 1
This example displays information about the category with reference number 16, contained in catalog 1, which is being displayed in the store 1:
http://host_name/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/CategoryDisplay? categoryId=16&catalogId=1&storeId=1
Example 2
This example displays information about the category Hardware, contained in catalog 1:
http://host_name/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/CategoryDisplay? identifier=Hardware&catalogId=1&storeId=1
Example 3
This example displays information about the category Hardware from a catalog that is associated with the store that is owned by the member whose ID is 888.
http://host_name/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/CategoryDisplay? catalogId=1&identifier=Hardware&memberId=888&storeId=1
Example 4
This example displays a catalog group page only to a registered customer in the correct member group. In this case it is customer s11001 in member group 1100.
http://host_name/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/Logon?logonId=s11001 &logonPassword=s11001&storeId=32&URL=FVTStore32.jsp http://host_name/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/CategoryDisplay? catalogId=326000&storeId=32&categoryId=326100&langId=-1
- The category to be displayed can be uniquely identified from the following:
- The categoryId parameter.
- The identifier and the memberId parameters.
- If the identifier parameter is supplied without the memberId parameter, then the memberId parameter will be inferred as the member that owns the store specified by storeId.
- Ensures that the category to be displayed has been published in the current language.
- Sets the CategoryDisplayView to display the category page that corresponds to the specified store reference number and category reference number.
- Maps to the CategoryDisplayCmd interface.
Exception Conditions
Related concepts
Catalog subsystemRelated reference
TopCategoriesDisplay URL
StoreCatalogDisplay URL
Catalog subsystem URLs