CatalogGroupUpdate URL
This URL updates a catalog group and its description.
URL structure
- http:// host_name/path/
- The fully qualified name of your WebSphere Commerce Server and the configuration path.
Parameter values
- catgroupId
- (Required) The reference number of the catalog group. You must specify either catgroupId or identifier.
- identifier
- (Required) The external identifier of the catalog group. You must specify either identifier or catgroupId.
- catalogId
- The reference number of the catalog.
- enableContracts
- Indicates if the catalog group can be used in contracts.
- field1
- A customizable field.
- field2
- A customizable field.
- markForDelete
- Indicates if the catalog group is marked for deletion.
- display
- Reserved for IBM internal use.
- fImage
- The full image path for the catalog group.
- descLangId
- The description of the language's reference number.
- name
- The name of the catalog group.
- published
- Indicates whether or not this catalog group should be displayed for the language indicated by the descLangId: 0= no, and 1= yes.
- sDesc
- The short description of the catalog group.
- tImage
- The thumbnail image path for the catalog group.
- The URL to be called when the command completes successfully.
The following example updates catalog group 10005. If the catalog group description already exists, in language -2, it will be updated with NolangSpecified as the name; if the catalog group description does not exist, it will be created with NolangSpecified as the name:
http://host_name/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/CatalogGroupUpdate? catgroupId=10005&descLangId=-2&keyword=a second keyword& field1=helloSir&field2=world&display=TestJSP&name= NolangSpecified&markForDelete=0&URL=LogonForm
Example 2
The following example updates a catalog group, with testCatalogGroup1 as the identifier and the logon user as the owner. If the catalog group description already exists, in language -3, it will be updated with NolangSpecified as the name; if the catalog group description does not exist, it will be created with NolangSpecified as the name:
http://host_name/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/CatalogGroupUpdate? identifier=testCatalogGroup1&descLangId=-3&field1=helloWorld &field2=world&display=test.JSP&name=NolangSpecified& markForDelete=0&URL=LogonForm
- If the catalog group description does not exist, then a description will be created.
- If the descLangId is not supplied, then the logon language will be used.
Exception conditions
Related concepts
Catalog subsystemRelated reference
CatalogGroupAdd URL
CatalogGroupDelete URL
CatalogGroupMove URL
TopCatalogGroupAdd URL
TopCatalogGroupDelete URL
CatGroupRelAdd URL
CatGroupRelDelete URL
Catalog subsystem URLs