BidCreateForm URL
Generates a unique bid reference number and displays a bid creation page after ensuring that the customer is authorized to bid.Generates a unique bid reference number and displays a bid creation page after ensuring that the customer is authorized to bid. The page that is displayed, auc_bid_create.jsp, calls the BidSubmit command.
URL structure
- http:// host_name/path/
- The fully qualified name of your WebSphere Commerce Server and the configuration path
Parameter values
- aucrfn
- The reference number of the auction for which the bid is to be created
This example creates a bid form for auction 200122:
- Looks up the auction based on the specified auction reference number.
- Verifies that the auction status is Current.
- Calls the AuctionAccessBean to check that the auction reference number is valid and that the auction is current.
- Calls the CheckBidderQualification task command to ensure that the customer is registered and is qualified to bid in the auction.
- Calls the CheckBidderStatus task command to ensure that the customer has viewed the auction rules.
- Calls the GenBidRef task command to generate a bid reference number to associate with the bid creation page displayed by this URL.
- Calls the AuctionRulesView display task to display the bid rules if the customer has not viewed the rules.
- Calls the BidCreateFormView display task to display the bid creation page if the customer has viewed the rules.
Exception Conditions
- An invalid auction reference number results in an invalid auction key exception.
- An auction status other than Current results in an auction not current exception.
- An unqualified bidder results in an unregistered user exception.
Related concepts
AuctionsRelated tasks
Enabling auctionsRelated reference
AutoBidCreateForm URL
AutoBidSubmit URL
AutoBidUpdateForm URL
AutoBidDelete URL
BidDelete URL
BidSubmit URL
BidUpdateForm URL
CloseBidding URL
DeleteMail URL
DisplayAuctionRules URL
DisplayMessage URL
DisplayAuctionItem URL
DoAuctionNotify URL
FinalizeAuction URL
GalleryDelete URL
ModifyForumMessageList URL
MonitorAuctions URL
ProcessAutoBids URL
ProcessDutchBids URL
ProcessOpenCryBids URL
ShopperCreateForumMessage URL
UpdateGallery URL
CompleteOrder URL
Trading subsystem URLs