Object life cycles
The enterprise beans in the object model include both independent and dependent objects. An independent object has its own life cycle, controlled directly by the create or remove requests of the business logic invoking the object. A dependent object has a life cycle that is attached to another object, known as the owner object (which may also in turn be a dependent object, but further up the association hierarchy, an independent object exists). When the owner object is deleted, all dependent objects are also deleted. The actual deletes are controlled by cascading delete specifications within the database.For example, given a user object that returns an address book object and a list of order objects, if the user object is deleted, its address book object is also deleted (since the book is owned by the user), and so are all the address objects within the book (since the addresses are owned by the book). However, the order objects are not deleted because the owner of orders is a store object, not the user object.
A specific design pattern is used for the creation of dependent objects. The create method of a dependent object must supply a reference to its owner object; therefore, the owner object must exist before the dependent object can be created.
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