WebSphere Commerce database table: STOREREL
Each row of this table describes a relationship between stores.
Column Descriptions Column Name Column Type Description STRELTYP_ID INTEGER NOT NULL The type of store relationship. See the STRELTYP table. RELATEDSTORE_ID INTEGER NOT NULL The related store identifier. STORE_ID INTEGER NOT NULL The store identifier. SEQUENCE DOUBLE NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 The selection sequence number. Used when the store has multiple related stores for the same relationship type. See Relationships between stores for details. STATE INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 1 The state of the relationship. Valid values are as follows:
0 = inactive
1 = activeOPTCOUNTER SMALLINT Reserved for IBM internal use.
Indexes Index Name Indexed Column Names Index Type SQL060903235255820 STORE_ID+STRELTYP_ID+RELATEDSTORE_ID Primary Key I0000794 STRELTYP_ID Non-Unique Index I0000795 RELATEDSTORE_ID Non-Unique Index Related reference
Constraints Constraint Name Column Names Foreign Table Name Foreign Column Names Constraint Type F_916 STORE_ID STORE STORE_ID Cascade F_917 RELATEDSTORE_ID STORE STORE_ID Cascade F_919 STRELTYP_ID STRELTYP STRELTYP_ID Cascade