WebSphere Commerce database table: STAGLOG

This table holds a log of changes made on the staging server so that the changes can be propagated to the production server using the stagepropagate command.

Column Descriptions
Column Name Column Type Description
STGRFNBR BIGINT NOT NULL The reference number for the staging row.
STGTABLE CHAR(18) NOT NULL The name of the table with staged changes.
STGOP CHAR(1) NOT NULL The change operator:






STGMENBRNAME CHAR(32) Reserved for IBM internal use.
STGMENBR INTEGER Indicates whether the table is a:
0 = site table or 1 = merchant table.
STGPKEYNAME CHAR(32) The name of the primary key.
STGPKEY BIGINT The value of the primary key.
STGKEY1NAME CHAR(32) Column name for the unique index.
STGKEY2NAME CHAR(32) Column name for the unique index.
STGKEY3NAME CHAR(32) Column name for the unique index.
STGKEY4NAME CHAR(32) Column name for the unique index.
STGKEY5NAME CHAR(32) Column name for the unique index.
STGOKEY1 BIGINT Old column value for the unique index.
STGOKEY2 BIGINT Old column value for the unique index.
STGOKEY3 VARCHAR(254) Old column value for the unique index.
STGOKEY4 BIGINT Old column value for the unique index.
STGOKEY5 VARCHAR(254) Old column value for the unique index.
STGNKEY1 BIGINT New column value for the unique index.
STGNKEY2 BIGINT New column value for the unique index.
STGNKEY3 VARCHAR(254) New column value for the unique index.
STGNKEY4 BIGINT New column value for the unique index.
STGNKEY5 VARCHAR(254) New column value for the unique index.
STGPROCESSED INTEGER DEFAULT 0 0 = not processed, 1 = processed.
STGRESERVED1 INTEGER DEFAULT 0 Reserved for IBM internal use.
STGLDPTH VARCHAR(254) Reserved for IBM internal use.
STGLDCOLS VARCHAR(4000) Reserved for IBM internal use.
OPTCOUNTER SMALLINT Reserved for IBM internal use.
STGFILTER INTEGER No STGFILTER external description assigned yet

Index Name Indexed Column Names Index Type
SQL060903235251510 STGRFNBR Primary Key
Related reference