WebSphere Commerce database table: RFQ
This table holds basic RFQ data.
Column Descriptions Column Name Column Type Description MEMBER_ID BIGINT NOT NULL Identifier of the member who owns this RFQ. RFQ_ID BIGINT NOT NULL The internal reference number of the RFQ. ACCESSTYPE INTEGER Indicates the audience of the RFQ. Valid values are as follows:
- 0=RFQ is targeted to the public
- 1=RFQ is private
TFTRADENG_ID BIGINT Reserved for IBM internal use. STARTTIME TIMESTAMP Scheduled start time for the RFQ. STORE_ID INTEGER The identifier of the store in which this RFQ was created. ENDTIME TIMESTAMP Scheduled end time for the RFQ. DURATION TIMESTAMP Reserved for IBM internal use. NUMRESPONSES INTEGER This RFQ will be closed when this number of the responses has been received. CREATETIME TIMESTAMP Date and time the RFQ was created. UPDATETIME TIMESTAMP Date and time this RFQ was last updated. CANCELTIME TIMESTAMP Date and time the RFQ was canceled. STATE INTEGER NOT NULL The state of the RFQ: draft, active, canceled, complete, or future. PREVOFFID BIGINT The ID of the previous offering. For multi-round, the internal reference number of the RFQ in the previous round from which this RFQ is created is stored in this column. PREVOFFTYPE INTEGER The type of the previous offering. For multi-round, this is the RFQ request type. NEXTOFFID BIGINT The ID of the next offering in the chain. For multi-round, the internal reference number of the RFQ that was created in the next round is stored in this column. NEXTOFFTYPE INTEGER The type of the next offering. For multi-round, this is the RFQ request type. ROUND INTEGER For multi-round, this counter keeps the current round number. STAGE INTEGER Reserved for IBM internal use. NAME VARCHAR(200) NOT NULL Unique alphanumeric name for the RFQ. MAJORVERSION INTEGER NOT NULL Reserved for IBM internal use. MINORVERSION INTEGER NOT NULL Reserved for IBM internal use. ENDRESULT INTEGER Indicates what happens to the RFQ. Valid values are as follows:
- 0 = RFQ results in a contract
- 1 = RFQ results in an order
MARKFORDELETE INTEGER Indicates if this RFQ is marked for deletion. Valid values are as follows:
- 0=No
- 1=Yes, this RFQ and its associated values may be deleted from the system
ACTIVATETIME TIMESTAMP Date and time the RFQ was posted or activated. CLOSETIME TIMESTAMP Date and time the RFQ was closed. COMPLETETIME TIMESTAMP Date and time the RFQ was completed. RULETYPE INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 1 RFQ closing rules. Valid values are as follows:
- 1=RFQ closes at a fixed end time
- 2=RFQ closes if a specified number of responses are received
- 3=RFQ closes based on logical OR of 1 and 2
- 4=RFQ closes based on logical AND of 1 and 2
TRACKNUMBER VARCHAR(254) Reserved for IBM internal use. VERSIONFLAGS INTEGER Reserved for IBM internal use. EXTRFQNUM VARCHAR(64) External RFQ number for use in customization. FIELD1 BIGINT Customizable. FIELD2 INTEGER Customizable. FIELD3 VARCHAR(254) Customizable. FIELD4 VARCHAR(254) Customizable. FIELD5 TIMESTAMP Customizable. FIELD6 TIMESTAMP Customizable. OPTCOUNTER SMALLINT Reserved for IBM internal use.
Indexes Index Name Indexed Column Names Index Type I0000207 NAME+MAJORVERSION+MINORVERSION Unique Index SQL060903235242700 RFQ_ID Primary Key I0000348 STATE Non-Unique Index I0000724 STORE_ID Non-Unique Index I0000725 MEMBER_ID Non-Unique Index
Constraints Constraint Name Column Names Foreign Table Name Foreign Column Names Constraint Type F_675 MEMBER_ID MEMBER MEMBER_ID Cascade F_677 STORE_ID STORE STORE_ID Cascade F_676 TFTRADENG_ID TFTRADENG TFTRADENG_ID Cascade F_674 RFQ_ID TRADING TRADING_ID Cascade Related reference
Constraint Name Referenced Column Name Foreign Table Name Foreign Column Names Constraint Type F_994 RFQ_ID RFQCATEGRY RFQ_ID Cascade F_680 RFQ_ID RFQPROD RFQ_ID Cascade F_682 RFQ_ID RFQRSP RFQ_ID Cascade F_996 RFQ_ID RFQRSPEVAL RFQ_ID Cascade F_992 RFQ_ID RFQRSPPARL RFQ_ID Cascade F_690 RFQ_ID RFQRSPTCRL RFQ_ID Cascade F_1021 RFQ_ID RFQTARGET RFQ_ID Cascade