WebSphere Commerce database table: QTYCONVERT
Each row of this table represents a rule. It can be used to convert a quantity amount from one QuantityUnit (unit of measurement) to another QuantityUnit.
Column Descriptions Column Name Column Type Description QTYUNIT_ID_TO CHAR(16) NOT NULL The QuantityUnit converted to. QTYCONVERT_ID INTEGER NOT NULL Generated unique key. QTYUNIT_ID_FROM CHAR(16) NOT NULL The QuantityUnit converted from. FACTOR DECIMAL (31,20) NOT NULL The conversion factor. Implicit conversion rules are derived from explicit rules by combining conversion factors. MULTIPLYORDIVIDE CHAR(1) NOT NULL Indicates how to convert from QTYUNIT_ID_FROM to QTYUNIT_ID_TO. Valid values are as follows:
M = multiply by FACTOR
D = divide by FACTOR
Conversion from QTYUNIT_ID_TO to QTYUNIT_ID_FROM using the inverse operation is implicitly defined.UPDATABLE CHAR(1) NOT NULL A flag intended to be used by a user interface that manages QuantityUnit conversion rules:
N = the conversion factor is irrevocable. It should never be changed.
Y = the conversion factor can be changed.OPTCOUNTER SMALLINT Reserved for IBM internal use.
Indexes Index Name Indexed Column Names Index Type I0000198 QTYUNIT_ID_TO+QTYUNIT_ID_FROM Unique Index SQL060903235239840 QTYCONVERT_ID Primary Key Related reference
Constraints Constraint Name Column Names Foreign Table Name Foreign Column Names Constraint Type F_640 QTYUNIT_ID_FROM QTYUNIT QTYUNIT_ID Cascade F_641 QTYUNIT_ID_TO QTYUNIT QTYUNIT_ID Cascade