WebSphere Commerce database table: PX_DYNATTR

This table contains the details about any dynamic attributes that belong to promotion entities, such as promotion groups, promotion policies, and others.

Column Descriptions
Column Name Column Type Description
PX_DYNATTR_ID INTEGER NOT NULL The dynamic attribute ID. This is a primary key.
TYPENAME VARCHAR(220) NOT NULL The class name of the entity for which this dynamic attribute is defined.
ATTRNAME VARCHAR(32) NOT NULL The name of the dynamic attribute.
IMPLCLS VARCHAR(254) NOT NULL The name of the class that implements the dynamic attribute.
XMLPARAM CLOB The XML definition of this dynamic attribute.
OPTCOUNTER SMALLINT Reserved for IBM internal use.

Index Name Indexed Column Names Index Type
I0000385 TYPENAME+ATTRNAME Unique Index
SQL060903235238600 PX_DYNATTR_ID Primary Key