WebSphere Commerce database table: PLCYPASSWD
This table stores password policies.
Column Descriptions Column Name Column Type Description PLCYPASSWD_ID BIGINT NOT NULL ID for the Password Policy table. MINPASSWDLENGTH INTEGER DEFAULT 8 The minimum password length. MINALPHABETIC INTEGER DEFAULT 1 The minimum number of alphabetic characters that should be in a password. MINNUMERIC INTEGER DEFAULT 1 The minimum number of numeric characters that should be in a password. MAXINSTANCES INTEGER DEFAULT 3 The maximum number of times a character can occur in a password. MAXCONSECUTIVETYPE INTEGER DEFAULT 4 The maximum number of consecutive character type allowed in a password. MAXLIFETIME INTEGER DEFAULT 90 The maximum number of days for which a password is valid, from the last time it is updated. MATCHUSERID INTEGER DEFAULT 0 Specifies whether the user ID and password can match: (0) if user ID and password do not match. (1) if user ID and password can match. REUSEPASSWORD INTEGER DEFAULT 0 Specifies whether the users previous password can be reused. (0) last password cannot be reused. (1) last password can be reused. OPTCOUNTER SMALLINT Reserved for IBM internal use.
Indexes Index Name Indexed Column Names Index Type SQL060903235231830 PLCYPASSWD_ID Primary Key Related reference
Constraint Name Referenced Column Name Foreign Table Name Foreign Column Names Constraint Type F_600 PLCYPASSWD_ID PLCYACCT PLCYPASSWD_ID Cascade F_604 PLCYPASSWD_ID PLCYPWDDSC PLCYPASSWD_ID Cascade