WebSphere Commerce database table: ORDITAX
Each row of this table contains a tax amount of a particular TaxCategory, for an OrderItem. By default, WebSphere Commerce does not save any data in this table. However tax amounts are aggregated by TaxCategory in the SUBORDTAX and ORDTAX tables.
Column Descriptions Column Name Column Type Description ORDERITEMS_ID BIGINT NOT NULL The OrderItem. TAXCGRY_ID INTEGER NOT NULL The TaxCategory. TAXAMOUNT DECIMAL (20,5) NOT NULL The tax amount, in the currency of the OrderItem (ORDERITEMS.CURRENCY). TAXCGRY_DSC VARCHAR(255) No TAXCGRY_DSC external description assigned yet OPTCOUNTER SMALLINT Reserved for IBM internal use.
Indexes Index Name Indexed Column Names Index Type SQL060903235221400 ORDERITEMS_ID+TAXCGRY_ID Primary Key I0000662 TAXCGRY_ID Non-Unique Index Related reference
Constraints Constraint Name Column Names Foreign Table Name Foreign Column Names Constraint Type F_528 ORDERITEMS_ID ORDERITEMS ORDERITEMS_ID Cascade F_529 TAXCGRY_ID TAXCGRY TAXCGRY_ID Cascade