WebSphere Commerce database table: ORDISTAT

This table contains information about the items within a single order for an Order Status Update inbound message. Each row contains information about a single item.

Column Descriptions
Column Name Column Type Description
ORDISTAT_ID BIGINT NOT NULL OrderItem status reference number. This is a primary key for this table.
ORDERS_ID BIGINT WebSphere Commerce order reference number. Foreign key that references the ORDERS_ID column in the ORDERS time.
OSMORDER CHAR(30) Order number generated by the backend system.
ORDERITMES_ID BIGINT WebSphere Commerce OrderItem reference number. Foreign key that references the ORDERITEMS_ID column in the ORDERITEMS table.
OIMITEM CHAR(30) OrderItem number generated by a backend system.
PARTNUMBER CHAR(64) Part number or SKU.
OIUOFM CHAR(20) Unit of measure for the OrderItem.
OIQTREQUEST INTEGER Quantity of items requested.
OIQTCONFIRM INTEGER Quantity of items confirmed.
OIQTSHIP INTEGER Quantity of items shipped.
OICPCUR CHAR(10) Currency in which the price is expressed. This is a currency code as per ISO 4217 standards.
OIUNPRC DECIMAL (20,5) Unit price for the OrderItem.
OIPRTOT DECIMAL (20,5) Total product price for the OrderItem.
OITXTOT DECIMAL (20,5) Total tax for the OrderItem.
OISHTOT DECIMAL (20,5) Total shipping charges for the OrderItem.
OISHTXTOT DECIMAL (20,5) Total tax on shipping charges for the OrderItem.
OISTATUS CHAR(32) Status of the OrderItem.
OIPLTIME TIMESTAMP The time stamp when the OrderItem was placed.
OIRSTIME TIMESTAMP The time stamp when shipping was requested for the OrderItem.
OISSTIME TIMESTAMP The time stamp for the scheduled shipping of the OrderItem.
OIASTIME TIMESTAMP The actual shipping time stamp for the OrderItem.
OIINVTIME TIMESTAMP Invoice time stamp for OrderItem.
OIINVVAL DECIMAL (20,5) Net value of the invoice for an OrderItem.
OIVERNBR INTEGER Order status version number. A value of "0" (zero) indicates the most recent version of the order. The highest value indicates the second most recent version of the order.
OISCOND CHAR(2) Code indicating if partial shipment of the order is accepted. Valid values:
SC = ship complete order or SP = ship partial order.
OICMNT VARCHAR(254) Comment to the status of this OrderItem.
FIELD1 INTEGER Customizable.
FIELD2 DECIMAL (20,5) Customizable.
FIELD3 VARCHAR(254) Customizable.
SUPPLIERDATA VARCHAR(254) Opaque to WebSphere Commerce. This attribute can be returned with a status update. For example, it could contain a supplier part number and perhaps a distribution center ID.
ORDSTAT_ID BIGINT The OrderStatus record this OrderItemStatus is part of.
OPTCOUNTER SMALLINT Reserved for IBM internal use.

Index Name Indexed Column Names Index Type
SQL060903235221250 ORDISTAT_ID Primary Key
I0000659 ORDSTAT_ID Non-Unique Index
I0000660 ORDERITMES_ID Non-Unique Index
I0000661 ORDERS_ID Non-Unique Index

Constraint Name Column Names Foreign Table Name Foreign Column Names Constraint Type