WebSphere Commerce database table: ORDICALCD
Each row of this table indicates to the CalculationCodeCombineMethod that a CalculationCode is directly attached to an OrderItem. The attachment is not effective unless the directCalculationCodeAttachment flag in ORDERITEMS.PREPAREFLAGS is 1.
Column Descriptions Column Name Column Type Description CALCODE_ID INTEGER NOT NULL The CalculationCode. ORDICALCD_ID BIGINT NOT NULL Generated unique key. ORDERITEMS_ID BIGINT NOT NULL The OrderItem. CALFLAGS INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 Contains the following bit flag:
1 = overrideIndirectAttachments - CalculationCodes indirectly attached to the OrderItem are not effective.
(CalculationCodes can be indirectly attached in the CATENCALCD and CATGPCALCD tables.)CALPARMTYPE INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 Indicates how CALPARMAMT is used.
0 = not used.
1 = fixed adjustment.
2 = percentage adjustment.
3 = fixed replacement.CALPARMAMT DECIMAL (20,5) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 The amount of a fixed or percentage adjustment. It can be applied to adjust or replace the results of the CalculationScales associated with the attached CalculationCode. OPTCOUNTER SMALLINT Reserved for IBM internal use.
Indexes Index Name Indexed Column Names Index Type SQL060903235220640 ORDICALCD_ID Primary Key I0000656 ORDERITEMS_ID Non-Unique Index I0000657 CALCODE_ID Non-Unique Index Related reference
Constraints Constraint Name Column Names Foreign Table Name Foreign Column Names Constraint Type F_522 CALCODE_ID CALCODE CALCODE_ID Cascade F_523 ORDERITEMS_ID ORDERITEMS ORDERITEMS_ID Cascade