WebSphere Commerce database table: MESSAGE

This table contains messages generated by the Auctions component.

Column Descriptions
Column Name Column Type Description
MESSAGE_ID BIGINT NOT NULL Message ID. The primary key for the table.
MEMBER_ID BIGINT NOT NULL Member ID. The member who is sending the message. For auctions, this is the owner of the auction.
MSGTYPE INTEGER Message type. Valid values are as follows:

  • 1=start auction

  • 2=auction won

  • 3=auction lost

  • 4=bid overridden

  • 5=order completed

SUBJECT VARCHAR(254) A text field that contains the subject of the message.
POSTTIME TIMESTAMP Date and time the message was posted.
CONTENT CLOB A text field that contains the message content.
MSGPARAM1 VARCHAR(254) Contains the bid ID used for the following messages: auction won, bid overridden, or order completed.
MSGPARAM2 VARCHAR(254) Contains the auction ID used with the start auction message.
MSGPARAM3 VARCHAR(254) Reserved for IBM internal use.
DELAY TIMESTAMP The amount of time that must elapse before an email is sent to the recipient. The delay is the base plus the delay time (for example, 1 hour).
BASE TIMESTAMP Fixed time stamp used with the delay to determine when a message is sent by e-mail.
TARGET_ID BIGINT Auction ID and bid ID.
OPTCOUNTER SMALLINT Reserved for IBM internal use.

Index Name Indexed Column Names Index Type
SQL060903235214920 MESSAGE_ID Primary Key
I0000156 MSGTYPE Non-Unique Index
I0000157 DELAY Non-Unique Index
I0000158 BASE Non-Unique Index
I0000159 TARGET_ID Non-Unique Index
I0000619 MEMBER_ID Non-Unique Index

Constraint Name Column Names Foreign Table Name Foreign Column Names Constraint Type

Constraint Name Referenced Column Name Foreign Table Name Foreign Column Names Constraint Type
Related reference