WebSphere Commerce database table: MASSOCCECE
This table holds the merchandising associations that exist between CatalogEntries.
Column Descriptions Column Name Column Type Description MASSOCCECE_ID BIGINT NOT NULL The reference number of this entry. MASSOCTYPE_ID CHAR(32) NOT NULL The Identifier of the association type. Foreign key to the MASSOCTYPE table. CATENTRY_ID_FROM BIGINT NOT NULL The CatalogEntry that is the source of the association. RANK DECIMAL (20,5) The sequence number used for display order. CATENTRY_ID_TO BIGINT NOT NULL The CatalogEntry that is the target of the association. MASSOC_ID CHAR(32) NOT NULL The Identifier of the semantic specifier. Foreign key to the MASSOC table. QUANTITY DOUBLE The quantity related to this association. RULE VARCHAR(254) Reserved for IBM internal use. GROUPNAME VARCHAR(254) Reserved for IBM internal use. FIELD1 VARCHAR(254) Customizable. FIELD2 INTEGER Customizable. FIELD3 DECIMAL (20,5) Customizable. OID VARCHAR(64) Reserved for IBM internal use. DATE1 TIMESTAMP Customizable. STORE_ID INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 The store in which this merchandising association applies. A value of zero indicates that this relationship is valid in all stores. OPTCOUNTER SMALLINT Reserved for IBM internal use.
Indexes Index Name Indexed Column Names Index Type I0000148 STORE_ID+MASSOCTYPE_ID+MASSOC_ID+CATENTRY_ID_FROM+CATENTRY_ID_TO Unique Index SQL060903235211660 MASSOCCECE_ID Primary Key I0000370 CATENTRY_ID_FROM Non-Unique Index I0000610 CATENTRY_ID_TO Non-Unique Index Related reference
Constraints Constraint Name Column Names Foreign Table Name Foreign Column Names Constraint Type F_431 CATENTRY_ID_FROM CATENTRY CATENTRY_ID Cascade F_432 CATENTRY_ID_TO CATENTRY CATENTRY_ID Cascade F_429 MASSOC_ID MASSOC MASSOC_ID Cascade F_430 MASSOCTYPE_ID MASSOCTYPE MASSOCTYPE_ID Cascade F_943 STORE_ID STORE STORE_ID Cascade