WebSphere Commerce database table: EXPERIMENT

This table stores the definition of marketing experiments, which are used to measure the effectiveness of a web activity, and revise the activity if necessary in order to show the most effective marketing content to the targeted customer segment.

Column Descriptions
Column Name Column Type Description
EXPERIMENT_ID INTEGER NOT NULL Primary key of this table.
NAME VARCHAR(64) NOT NULL Name of the marketing experiment.
LASTUPDATE TIMESTAMP NOT NULL Timestamp of the last update to this marketing experiment.
STOREENT_ID INTEGER NOT NULL The store entity identifier as described in the STOREENT_ID column of the STOREENT table.
EXPTYPE_ID INTEGER NOT NULL The store element type identifier as described in the EXPTYPE_ID column of the EXPTYPE table.
PRIORITY SMALLINT NOT NULL DEFAULT 1 The priority of marketing experiment among all other experiments which determines the displaying order of content in the delivery channel.
EXPIRECOUNT INTEGER Value of expiry option: number of shoppers who viewed this marketing experiment.
STARTDATE TIMESTAMP NOT NULL Start date of this marketing experiment.
ENDDATE TIMESTAMP Value of expiry option: end date of this marketing experiment.
RESULTSCOPE CHAR(1) NOT NULL The result persistence scope of this marketing experiment. Available scopes are:


lifetime of the experiment.


per session.


per request.
PREFERREDELEMENT SMALLINT The preferred element in this marketing experiment that is made permanent in the control element.
STATUS CHAR(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'A' The status of this marketing experiment. Available statuses are:

  • ACTIVE (A) - the experiment is active.

  • INACTIVE (I) - the experiment is inactive.

  • EXPIRED (E) - the experiment is expired.

  • COMPLETED (C) - experiment result has been converted.

  • DELETED (D) - the experiment is marked as deleted.

FIELD1 INTEGER Customizable.
FIELD2 BIGINT Customizable.
FIELD3 DECIMAL (20,5) Customizable.
FIELD4 VARCHAR(254) Customizable.
DESCRIPTION VARCHAR(254) Description of this marketing experiment.
LASTUPDATEDBY VARCHAR(254) NOT NULL Logon ID of the individual who last updated this marketing experiment.
RULEXML CLOB The rule definition in XML format of this marketing experiment. This rule contains the type of testing that this experiment is performing, it also defines the control and test elements that have been selected in the experiment, and their respective ratio.
OPTCOUNTER SMALLINT Reserved for IBM internal use.

Index Name Indexed Column Names Index Type
I0001500 NAME+STOREENT_ID Unique Index
SQL060903235156910 EXPERIMENT_ID Primary Key
I0001501 STOREENT_ID+STATUS Non-Unique Index

Constraint Name Column Names Foreign Table Name Foreign Column Names Constraint Type

Constraint Name Referenced Column Name Foreign Table Name Foreign Column Names Constraint Type