WebSphere Commerce database table: DKPDCCATENTREL
Contains relationships between predefined configurations and the dynamic kit catalog entries for which they are built.
Column Descriptions Column Name Column Type Description DKPREDEFCONF_ID BIGINT NOT NULL The ID of the predefined configuration. CATENTRY_ID BIGINT NOT NULL The catalog entry ID of the dynamic kit for which this predefined configuration is built. SEQUENCE INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 The sequence number used to determine the order in which to display the component. OPTCOUNTER SMALLINT Reserved for IBM internal use.
Indexes Index Name Indexed Column Names Index Type SQL060903235151190 DKPREDEFCONF_ID+CATENTRY_ID Primary Key
Constraints Constraint Name Column Names Foreign Table Name Foreign Column Names Constraint Type F_1185 CATENTRY_ID CATENTRY CATENTRY_ID Cascade F_1184 DKPREDEFCONF_ID DKPREDEFCONF DKPREDEFCONF_ID Cascade