WebSphere Commerce database table: CALRLOOKUP
Each row in this table represents a CalculationRangeLookupResult, which is part of a CalculationRange.
Column Descriptions Column Name Column Type Description CALRLOOKUP_ID INTEGER NOT NULL Generated unique identifier. SETCCURR CHAR(3) If specified, this is the currency of the monetary amount in the VALUE column. This is a currency code as per ISO 4217 standards. CALRANGE_ID INTEGER NOT NULL The CalculationRange of which this CalculationRangeLookupResult is a part. VALUE DECIMAL (20,5) NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 The value of the CalculationRangeLookupResult, used by the CalculationRangeMethod of the CalculationRange to determine a monetary result. OPTCOUNTER SMALLINT Reserved for IBM internal use.
Indexes Index Name Indexed Column Names Index Type I0000057 CALRANGE_ID+SETCCURR Unique Index SQL060903235135610 CALRLOOKUP_ID Primary Key Related reference
Constraints Constraint Name Column Names Foreign Table Name Foreign Column Names Constraint Type F_168 CALRANGE_ID CALRANGE CALRANGE_ID Cascade F_167 SETCCURR SETCURR SETCCURR Cascade